Lazy*, For Lack of a
Better Word, is Good!
A fellow
blogger, Arkansas Patti,
recently admitted in a comment to being
lazy. She was unapologetic about being lazy;
in fact she felt the world needs more lazy people. I have admitted many times to myself being a
lazy person. In the past I have been
ashamed of being lazy. Arkansas Patti
has made me reevaluate that position.
Lazy people
do not start wars. If more world leaders
were lazy we would have no wars.
Throughout history, those damn energetic people who want to do stuff and
control things have started wars and created havoc.
A lazy Adolph
Hitler for instance would still have hated Jews, but he would have been too
lazy to act on his hate.
Christians of medieval times were lazier, there would have never been The Crusades. They would have just left a few flyers on
Muslim doors, “Hey, give Christ a try…or not.”
people don’t invent things, lazy people do.
Energetic people move heavy stuff by pushing like hell. A lazy person invented the wheel; he was too
lazy to push like hell.
people were perfectly happy to travel many miles to deliver a message. Alexander Bell, that lazy bastard, invented
the telephone to save time and energy.
I am proud
to be lazy. I am easy to please. I don’t need much, just food and sleep. I don’t cause trouble, I don’t speed on the
highway, I don’t make a lot of noise, I don’t complain. All that stuff requires effort. I don’t put much effort into anything. I’m lazy.
If everyone
was lazy, we would all do only what was required to survive. Plant some food,
build a shack, eat, sleep, and procreate.
There would be no reason to accumulate stuff, no need to keep up with
the Joneses, hell, the Joneses are lazy too.
Gordon Gecko
was wrong. Greed is bad. Greed takes energy and work and causes subversive
Lazy, for
lack of a better word, is good.
*For all you energetic successful people, relax, this was sarcasm...sort of
*For all you energetic successful people, relax, this was sarcasm...sort of