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Sunday, October 27, 2019



It seems the leader of ISIS has been killed, Abu-al-Bullshit-el F-you.  I don’t think any of these ISIS people are benefiting the planet in any way, so his death does not upset me. 

Actually, it is probably a good thing.  That might not be politically correct to say, but dammit I just do not like people that chop off other peoples’ heads.  Never have.

The thing that does bother me, is that these ass-hats are always described as “Masterminds.”  I’ve always considered “Masterminds” to be evil, but also admirable in a strange sort of way.  A real ““Mastermind” is Lex Luthor, arch nemesis of Superman; or “The Joker” of Bat Man fame.

A “Mastermind” should be someone who is not just diabolical, but uses his sinister genius to destroy mankind in a way that only a Superhero could stymie. 

A “Mastermind” should be one step ahead of society in his attempt to destroy the world or at least steal the world’s riches.

I don't think that a plan to use religious fanatics to fly planes into buildings is the work of a “Mastermind.”

It does not take a brilliant mind to have people fly planes into buildings…it takes an evil person who does not give a crap about the sanctity of life.

It does not take a brilliant mind to figure out that chopping off heads in public will scare the crap out of the average person and make them do what you tell them to do.

This ass-hat was not a “Mastermind,” he was a piece of crap that did not care what he did to get what he wanted,  and mostly what he wanted was to scare people, control people, and get his jollies by killing people in very unpleasant ways.

Stop calling these cruel, ruthless, creatures “Masterminds.” They are not clever, they are not sinister geniuses…they are just sinister.

And if this scumbag was such a genius “Mastermind”, he would still be alive.

F-you Mr. Mastermind and good riddance! 


  1. Exactly. My sentiments exactly.

    Have a fabulous Sunday, Joe. 😎

  2. A miserable human who is burning in hell. Bye bye!

  3. A comment from banned blogger "Should Fish More" has been deleted unread. Life is too short and I am enjoying it too much to allow negativity into it when i do not have to. Please troll someone else.
    Thank you.

  4. I totally agree with what Bijoux said. Burning in hell. If it is true what it is said about the way he approached death, what a coward, yet he inflicted so much on so many. I had forgotten and I am sad I did but he was instrumental in the kidnapping and eventual murder of Kayla Mueller who was a Prescott Arizona native/resident. We were living in Prescott at the time of the reporting of her death. In reading an account of an interview her mom gave on hearing the news of his death, she said she wished she knew where her daughter's body was or how it had been taken care of and she was thankful of the actions of our present president. She wondered if our former president had been more decisive in actions taken if her daughter would still be alive. I'm thinking upon this evil man's death he did not hear from God "well done good and faithful servant."


  5. Are you sure that's his name? Our newspaper has something slightly different, but we are on the other side of the world, so what do we know? (*~*)You probably got it correct and I'll agree with you, on that and everything else too. I don't mind living in a world with one less evil cruel person.

  6. We should all sigh a big one of relief. Evil deserves no pity nor praise.

  7. Replies
    1. Comment of the day award goes to... Omg. I love this. I had to look it up. Not a clue it was a song I just love the phrase. :)

  8. i wish people can use their mind to make difference in a better way dear Joe
    they have to be the human first to be master of any kind

  9. Exactly. I wish more people would call it like they see it.
