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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I gotta Get Out More

I gotta Get Out More
I need to get out more.  The last few days I’ve been a shut in.  Too cold for golf.  Too lazy for the gym.  We’ve done most of our shopping for Thanksgiving.  I’ve been a slug.
Watch TV, play guitar, surf the net, nap, watch TV, go to sleep.
It’s not so bed, I like watching TV, playing guitar, surfing the net and napping.  Problem is I’ve got nothing to post.  I’m pretty sure no one wants to read about watching TV, playing guitar, surfing the net and napping.  I need to get out of the house to get new material.
I did find a penny this afternoon when I took out the garbage.  Who wants to read about finding a penny?  There is no way I could make a post out of finding a penny.   
I could post about the Dr. Phil re-run I watched.  Dr. Phil counseled a couple that argued constantly.  The husband was 120 pounds overweight and was not interested in sex.  The wife was having an affair, her second.  Dr. Phil tried to teach them how to effectively communicate and offered them a get-a-way to a special “save your marriage” counseling house.  After only five minutes I was screaming at the TV, “Get a friggin divorce… you two hate each other.” I could not figure out why anyone would want to save this marriage, they obviously despised each other.  At the end of the show Dr. Phil let us know that the counseling house did not work and the couple was separating…DUH!!  But who would want to read about that?
After about 10,000 hours of practice, I can almost comfortably play the open C cord in the Bar Cord position.  Want me to explain that?  I didn’t think so.
Lately when surfing the net, Chrome keeps crapping out on me and I have to use Explorer which I don’t like as much.  What’s that?  Not interested?  I agree.
I got nothing.  I gotta get out more.
Wanna hear about my nap?


  1. This is why I haven't blogged since August. I got nada to say. Its the same schedule I do most days, wash, rinse, repeat. Now the big question is did you pick up the penny that you found or did you leave it on the ground? I would have been tempted just to leave it.


  2. I don't know Buddy you made it interesting there for a while, I almost fell asleep when you were talking about a nap though.

  3. Well, for someone who has nothing to write about you do very well. I wish I had your talent for writing when there's nothing to write about. Keep it up.

  4. Sometimes the best days are the ordinary ones that slip by like beads off of a string, but i agree, they tend to be interesting only to the person experiencing them.

  5. I walked 4 miles in the freezing cold and made ham chowder yesterday. Yup, it doesn't get more exciting than that!t

  6. Well, look at that! You managed to make a whole post about "nothing." Dr. Phil -- why waste time trying to fix something that is that badly broken. Get real!

  7. You did a good job for having nothing. That was a lot of nothing.

    I would have enjoyed the Dr. Phil show. I would have been yelling just like you did.

    Have a fabulous day watching TV, playing guitar, surfing the net, napping, watching TV, and going to sleep. ☺

  8. I feel your pain! I'm excited though...I have a colonoscopy scheduled for the first week of December and I'm hoping for some awesome material to blog about. Hey, maybe even a video! StAy tuned!

  9. I’ve got a lot to say just no time to write.

  10. Our lives sound amazingly similar and no, I don't want to get out more lol.

  11. Impressive. You turned nothing into a decent blog post. Didn't Seinfeld make a pretty impressive living that very way? Something I often can't do when I actually have something.

  12. There's always weather?
    Just sayin'
    ...or cat pictures.

  13. I agree with your other reader’s nice post about nothing. I like to watch Dr. Phil he has some of the dumbest people on his show. People that meet someone that they call a lover that they have never met and send them hundred and thousand dollars. I even have more common sense than that. Lol. Take care. Jean

  14. Turning nothing into something is an art form :)

  15. Watch TV, play guitar, surf the net, nap, watch TV, go to sleep! Whew! I had to take an extra heart-slower-down pill from all that excitement. I can't squeeze that many activities into a day.

    Maybe you should drive to town for a soda every day. There's gotta be a BEEMER driver waiting to give you a story.

  16. Thanks for the post. I enjoyed your first book.

    Paul L. Quandt

  17. Amazon site says that they don't have your second book and don't know if they will carry it again. The RoseDog site is not operational. How can I get a copy of " I Used to be Stupid "?


    1. There is the kindle version. A print version should be able to order through Rosedog, they print on demand's not that great anyway, I mostly paid to publish for family and friends.

      Thanks for your interest.

  18. I also like to take naps, but I'm proud to say I've never watched Dr. Phil.

  19. I myself am a big fan of naps. I gave up on Dr Phil years ago.

  20. I do nothing almost every day--so what?

  21. Are you sure you weren't a writer for Seinfeld?
