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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A Birthday in NYC

A Birthday in NYC

Not my birthday, Mrs. Cranky’s.  Mrs. Cranky is frifpty-elevntyate years old today.  Yesterday we spent a day in NYC.

We took the train in to Penn Station, and a subway to Central Park where we had reserved a horse and carriage ride through the Park.

Mrs. C has wanted to do this carriage ride forever so yesterday we crossed that off her list.  I was not looking forward to the ride as I generally dislike “touristy things” and a carriage ride through Central Park is a touristy as it gets.

It was a really fun ride.

Central Park is a really beautiful place and full of history.  Our driver, Rob, knew every statue, every site of a movie or TV scene and the cost of every penthouse apartment in view of the park, along with every famous person that owned it.  He should know his history, he has been doing this tour for 35 years.
This is Rob.

Not really, that is Paulie from “Rocky,” I forgot to get his picture but trust me Rob was a dead ringer for Paulie in looks, demeanor and speech.  He was very interesting, informative and entertaining.  A lifelong resident from the Bronx, he was as New York as New York gets and there is none better than a genuine New Yorker!

This is Molly.  Molly had reins, but Paulie Rob never touched them, Molly knows the way. 

The ride was about an hour.  I thought I helped cross one item off Mrs. C’s wish list, but as a result of this ride Mrs. C now wants to rent a park lake row boat, have dinner at Tavern on the Green, and Ice Skate in the park rink come Winter.


After the park, we met up with friends at a pub-restaurant.  There was good food and good conversation then off to a show.
The show was a musical comedy “Gettin' The Band Back Together.” The show was a bit corny, a bit sophomoric and we laughed like hell.  Part of the fun of this show is it takes place in New Jersey and more specifically in our own town Sayreville, N.J.  It was fun with all the references to places and landmarks that we are so familiar with in what the show calls “North-east-central Jersey.”

It was a long fun day, and a bit tiring when our diner/show companions decided we could walk back to Penn Station instead of taking the subway.  Catching the train and avoiding an hour wait for the next train had “Mad Dash” Maryann P and her husband Tom make OJ’s run through the airport look like child’s play.

We did catch the train!

We did sleep well when we got home eleven hours after we started this excursion.


Tomorrow, “Mrs. C’s Present”


  1. I’ve never seen “29 years old” written like that before.

  2. Happy birthday, Mrs. C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. That is so cool! Sounds like Mrs. C had a great birthday.

  4. next year, hot air ballooning !! : - )

  5. Happy Birthday Mrs C. Hope it's a good present.

  6. Had a great day!! thanks mr c. love, me ...

  7. Sorta/kinda touristy things are okay once in a long while, for special occasions. People only turn frifpty-elevntyate once.

  8. Wishing Mrs. C (who is beautiful, by the way) many, many happy returns of the day!

  9. Happy mom! And thank you Joe for treating my mom to such an amazing day out! (And I wish I could have caught you guys around yesterday!! :P)

    - Step crank C <3

  10. Happy Birthday Mrs. C! Love the pics and your choice of how to spend the day was awesome!

  11. Belated birthday greetings to your good lady. What a lovely day you both had. Thanks for reminding me of the times I arrived at Penn Station and visits to Central Park.

  12. Happy Birthday Mrs C. And may there be many more. You both had a wonderful day and evening by the sound of it. I'd love a carriage ride with such a well informed driver.

  13. Happy frifpty-elevntyate birthday, Mrs C. You are a little younger than me - I was sixtetry-twelyate in June. Sounds like you had a great day out.

  14. Very nice. It cracks e up that checking one item off the list results in the list just expanding, but isn't that the way life should be?

    1. Good point, with an unfinished list, what is there to look forward to.

  15. Happy Birthday Mrs. C.
    That was cool of you Cranky to do something for her you weren't wild about but then you managed to enjoy it. You romantic devil. You grew a bit.

  16. What a cool birthday. I don't know anyone who's ever done that trip through Central Park. Happy Birthday, Mrs. C!

  17. Happy Belated birthday Mrs. C! Seemed like you had a great day celebrating! Enjoy your drums (I read ahead).


  18. Happy birthday to Mrs. C! Funny how crossing off one item off your bucket list will add three other things to it. Is Tavern on the Green still open?

    1. It was closed as a restaurant in 2009 was renovated and reopened in 2014.
