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Saturday, October 12, 2024



Thirty-one years ago, I received a clock from my company representing twenty-five years of service.  It is a nice clock.  It is an Atmos clock, a special clock that never needs winding as it self-winds by virtue of changing atmospheric pressure…or something…I never really understood. 

The clock looks pretty on my mantle, but it never kept accurate time, and when I attempted to adjust the speed to maintain correct time, it stopped after a few days and needed to be manually rewound.

This clock was a common recognition gift for service from many companies back when employees did not skip firms every few years as seems to be the way to move up in the world these days.

Anyway, I have seen many of these clocks at friends or family members  who managed to stay with the same firm for extended number of years.  It seems all these other clocks maintain accurate time and they run forever, as advertised. 

I figured mine was just a dud.

I do know that one key to keeping the Atmos clock running is to have it perfectly balanced.  There is a tiny level bubble thing and adjustable “feet” that assist in this delicate balancing.  Occasionally, over the years I adjusted the balance and the clock would run for a while but it would stop before I could properly adjust the timing adjustment bar. 

I pretty much just gave up on using the clock for time and accepted it as a nice mantlepiece ornament.

A few months ago, after having giving up on the clock as a time piece since the demise of my second marriage, I adjusted the balance just for the heck of it and started it up.

Son-of-a-gun the clock ran with out stopping.  It ran a few minutes a day slow, but it continued to run. 

For the last month I have been adjusting the timing bar every few days until it now keeps time within a few seconds a week of my cable box Greenwich Mean Time analog clock.

Thirty-one years and the clock now is not just an ornament but it actually maintains accurate time!

Apparently, my former wife who was a bit of a neat freak periodically dusted not just around the clock but also under it.  It seems you should not move the clock.  Using atmospheric pressure to keep a clock running requires perfect balance.

The Atmos clock is very sensitive.

Among the many reasons I have for appreciating Mrs. C, I now add to the list the fact that she does not dust the mantle.

Thursday, October 10, 2024




Thirty-one years ago, I received a clock from my company representing twenty-five years of service.  It is a nice clock.  It is an Atmos clock, a special clock that never needs winding as it self-winds by virtue of changing atmospheric pressure…or something…I never really understood. 

The clock looks pretty on my mantle, but it never kept accurate time, and when I attempted to adjust the speed to maintain correct time, it stopped after a few days and needed to be manually rewound.

This clock was a common recognition gift for service from many companies back when employees did not skip firms every few years as seems to be the way to move up in the world these days.

Anyway, I have seen many of these clocks at friends or family members  who managed to stay with the same firm for extended number of years.  It seems all these other clocks maintain accurate time and they run forever, as advertised. 

I figured mine was just a dud.

I do know that one key to keeping the Atmos clock running is to have it perfectly balanced.  There is a tiny level bubble thing and adjustable “feet” that assist in this delicate balancing.  Occasionally, over the years I adjusted the balance and the clock would run for a while but it would stop before I could properly adjust the timing adjustment bar. 

I pretty much just gave up on using the clock for time and accepted it as a nice mantlepiece ornament.

A few months ago, after having giving up on the clock as a time piece since the demise of my second marriage, I adjusted the balance just for the heck of it and started it up.

Son-of-a-gun the clock ran with out stopping.  It ran a few minutes a day slow, but it continued to run. 

For the last month I have been adjusting the timing bar every few days until it now keeps time within a few seconds a week of my cable box Greenwich Mean Time analog clock.

Thirty-one years and the clock now is not just an ornament but it actually maintains accurate time!

Apparently, my former wife who was a bit of a neat freak periodically dusted not just around the clock but also under it.  It seems you should not move the clock.  Using atmospheric pressure to keep a clock running requires perfect balance.

The Atmos clock is very sensitive.

Among the many reasons I have for appreciating Mrs. C, I now add to the list the fact that she does not dust the mantle.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Blogging In The Wind


Blogging In The Wind


I thought I had quit this blog thing as the venue has mostly gone the way of the eight-track tape, CDs, and DVDs, but sometimes I just have to vent, even if it reaches no one.

Mrs. C does not wear make-up, she does not like ear-rings.  She loves rings, and has one for each finger, thumb, and occasional toe.  She does wear  bracelets and on rare occasions, a necklace.

We had one such occasion the other day, the baptism of Charlie, my six grandchild. 

Dressed to the nines, Mrs. C commented,

“This outfit would really look nice with a necklace.”

Now, I have given Mrs. C several nice necklaces over the years, nothing extravagant given my love affair with a dollar, but nice.

“Why not one of the necklaces I gave you?”

“That would be perfect, but I can’t find them.”

“You lost the necklaces?”

“Not lost, I just can’t find them.”

“That is the very definition of lost!”

Now here comes the Mrs. C statement that forced me back to the key- board.  I suspect those with She/Her/Hers pronouns will understand it, but He/Him/His pronouns will be scratching their heads along with me.

Said with attitude,

“I didn’t lose them; I just hid them where they wouldn’t be stolen!”

“Or found!”

“You’re a jerk!”