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Sunday, June 30, 2024




In the I interest of my own sanity I have temporarily removed the “no politics” clause to this blog.

Joe Biden needs to step down.  No argument, no discussion, no more lying to the public, we all know what we have seen and it is more than concerning. 

Much of the world is worried, much of the world is laughing, and our enemies are sure to be extra embolden.

Just step down before it is too late. 

Not because you may lose, but because you still might win!

It is not too late to step down and allow a reasonable patriotic more middle of the road candidate who is completely in control of his faculties, to take your place.  

It is not too much to ask that the leader of our country not be a doddering old man, one who 26 years ago went through two extensive brain surgeries, one who in his best days many, many years ago was determined to be unqualified for the position he now holds and seeks for four more years.

Will the man we have seen protected by his handlers and much of the media for the last three years and who was fully exposed the other night improve in the next few years?


It is not too late to run a new candidate.  As much as I dislike her, Hillary would be acceptable.

My choice?  I am not a Democrat, but since you asked, head for New Jersey.

Senator Cory Booker has leaned left for political expedience, but deep down he is a highly intelligent, caring, and a motivated public servant.

My second choice is New Jersey Governor Murphy, also highly intelligent reasonable and an empathetic man.

Most of the names I have seen thrown around are not my Republican cup of tea, but at least they are all capable of rational decision making and leading.  

Joe Biden is not.  

You know it, I know it, and for God sake, someone please tell Joe!




  1. I think they'll get someone else in before the Democrat convention, perhaps Gavin Newsom. He seems to have been around a lot lately, perhaps awaiting his chance at the spot.

  2. Replacing a presidential candidate, late stage, is not the same thing as changing pitchers-one guys leaves the mound, another comes in from the bull pen but everything else in the stadium remains the same. Candidate organizations and campaign staffs and offices are not a corporate headquarters. Trying to tool a change of that magnitude is risky at best. It has never worked before. But some Democrats are worried enough to hope for a magic ticket.
    Democrats do now have a Shohei in the bullpen. We're stuck with the starter. Either we support him, fully, or concede the came.
    Apologies for the barrage of sports metaphors.

    1. Democrats are not blind or stupid, Biden will be convinced to step down not because he can't win, but because he might.

    2. Should have proofread...not 'now' but 'not' in the bullpen sentence. Apologies.

  3. Seems like somebody wants a replacement candidate, just going by how the media seems to have changed their coverage of Ol' Joe all at once, right before the convention. Not making excuses for any criticisms of his debate performance.

  4. Not to be too political, I was sent a photo of a tweet the other day (if that's what they are called now) which read, "Closed captioning ain't been this confused since Coach O was at LSU!"

  5. Yes, it was a hot mess the other night. I felt pity for him. I felt even worse the next day when Dr. Jill was talking to him as if he were a toddler, saying, "Oh Joe, you did so well," and he was standing there looking like a child with a childish grin. It was humiliating. She should be charged with elder abuse.

    Edith Wilson, Woodrow Wilson's wife, served as acting President behind the scenes while he was ill. So, it's been done before, and Dr. Jill knows this. They won't talk him out of it, and unless he agrees to finally, once and for all, retire—or unless the 25th Amendment is enacted, which it won't—he's staying. Anything else would be a coup.

    Meanwhile, who will answer that middle of the night phone call?
