Wednesday, August 11, 2021



Today I was watching an afternoon Yankee baseball game when, with bases loaded in the first inning and Luke Voit at bat, the screen went green and a message crossed the top.

“This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.”

The test lasted for five minutes.  FIVE MINUTES!

Now this usually happens late at night when I am one of seventeen people still up and watching TV, but this was 2:30 in the afternoon.


And what the Hell are these tests for anyway?

The test is intended to ensure public safety officials have the methods and systems that will deliver urgent alerts and warnings to the public in times of an emergency or disaster.

Why thank you Google…

BTW, as a test, if you count audio, every test is a failure.  All I ever hear is a scratchy muffled:

“This is a tryst of the immigrant broad straddle sister.  If it were a real umbilical, we would alarm you turtle French frizzle.  Repeat, this is early a mess.”

But in a real emergency, what happens to all the people who don’t have a TV or never watch the one they have?

Based on my blog readership, almost half of the people in the country either do not have a TV or almost never watch if they do have one.  How are they notified of an emergency?

Will all those non-TV watching people DIE?

What about the vast majority of other TV watchers who only watch PBS or CNN?  Surely the news would report on an emergency…that would be kind of like news.

So, do we really need the Emergency broadcast system? 

Paul Revere reached more people via horse than the Emergency broadcast system would reach today.

I’ll bet it would be possible to alert people over their cell phones easier than via TV.  That would alert everyone in the country under 75 years old.  You could then just interrupt the “Judge Judy” show for everyone else.

Why don’t they advise us of emergencies that way and stop interrupting my Yankee games or late-night re-runs of “90 Day Fiancé”?

When will Government recognize real priorities?


Oh yeah…Voit got a single and two runs scored.  I sure would have liked to have seen it.   


  1. An interrupted Yankee game is a good game.

  2. I think they would do something on the cell phones to announce emergencies and catastrophes. Kinda of like when they send an Amber alert. Appreciate them doing it, but not at the wee hours of the morning that wakes one out of a deep sleep. Or the other day at church when the weather channel announced flash flood potential and everyone's phones were "dinging" with the announcement.

    Can you see the plays on instant replay? Not the same, but.....


  3. We used to have Fire Drill tests when I worked on checkouts, we were supposed to make sure everyone left the store before heading out ourselves, which meant customers having to walk away from loaded trolleys and of course they never wanted to.

  4. I guess only Yankees fans will survive. And fans of their opponents that day.

  5. Super annoying! My cell phone does an ear piercing sound for weather alerts, AMBER, etc. I need to find away to disable it.

  6. annoying indeed !

    i find it annoying too when each time when we have to call someone ,we have to listen whole speech by computer, yes here govt is using mobile phones for warning or convincing them to take precautions people regarding covid ,and now we listen it many times a day

  7. Very annoying, they do it on the radio. The station i listen to has them in the middle of the best songs, of course.

    And you can get alerts on your phone, weather alerts (which is what they mostly use the Emergey Broadcast System for around here), Amber Alerts, emergency evacuations, your phone makes a nasty noise that scares half the life out of you and you listen and find out there's been another explosion at a plant or a tornado has touched down in your neighborhood, etc.

    If you want, you can turn the alerts off on your phone, you can even pick and choose which ones to allow. Only Presidential Alerts can't be turned off.

    The EBS does seem a bit unneeded, but i guess it's either now a back-up to the alerts you can get on your phone, or Government just moves slowly to change things, always adding new without getting rid of the old.

  8. Ooh, I have never seen an all encompassing screen block like that. Usually we just get a banner at the top or bottom of the screen. Like you said though, what if we weren't watching when a real emergency happened? Glad Luke got 2 RBIs anyway.

  9. I used to have to schedule those "unexpected" EBS notices in one of my TV station duties back when they were called one of several different evolving names. The only criteria was not to have them run during any commercials. All other content was fair game.
