Monday, August 9, 2021

A Genetically Modified Opinion


A Genetically Modified Opinion

I recently had a fight argument discussion with someone about GMO food.  That’s Genetically Modified Organisms, for people with a life.

These days just about everything we eat or at least lot of what we eat is a result of GMO.  Corn, wheat, anything with seeds has been modified by really smart people to result in massively increased production of crops also resistant to insects and disease.

Pigs, cattle, chickens and such have been selectively breeded and or also genetically modified to grow larger, and fatter and also be disease resistant.

It is this selective breeding and genetic modification that has allowed the world to feed a population that has quin-trouple-fippled in the last hundred years.  There are areas in the world suffering from famine, but nothing like what we would have without improved farming methods including GMO produced foods.

The argument against GMO food is, I believe, that we do not know what these foods, untested over a long period of time might do to our bodies.

Will they turn out to cause cancer, birth defects, or who knows what else?

Anti GMO people are concerned with:

Five sets of ethical concerns have been raised about GM crops: potential harm to human health; potential damage to the environment; negative impact on traditional farming practice; excessive corporate dominance; and the 'unnaturalness' of the technology.  (Oh yes, I can Google)

I guess these are valid concerns, Hell, I’m not smart enough to debate these fears.  However, the concerns do remind me of the 1950’s scare movies like “The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.”

What I do find interesting about the fight argument discussion over GMO food, is almost anyone I have met that has concerns with GMO food, believes that people who do not want to take the Covid vaccine are knuckle dragging Neanderthals.

If eating chips made from GMO corn is dangerous, how is injecting the vaccine directly in our body not concerning?

Again from Mr. Google:

mRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.

I do not really understand the above, but it sure sounds scarier to me than eating a chip made from corn that has been modified to fight off corn pandemics.

Now, if you think I am trying to make an argument for NOT taking the new Covid vaccines; You are wrong.

If you believe I am advocating GMO foods for all; you are also wrong, I don’t really care.

This is what I do believe. 

When really smart people develop stuff that after diligent testing is determine to be safe and highly beneficial to the world, then I will probably trust those people.

I will eat corn chips made from GMO corn seeds.  I will take the Covid vaccine.

It makes no sense to me to avoid the vaccine but eat the chip…or vice versa.

Yet, and I may be wrong, it is my perception that people who will not take the vaccine, will eat the chip, and those who strongly advocate the vaccine are leery of eating the chip.

Go figure!



  1. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense about what some people choose to believe.

  2. I’m with you in that I trust both the vaccine and eating gmo food. But, I conclude that neither are avoidable and I’d rather get on with my life.

  3. I won't go out of my way to avoid or seek the GMO foods. Probably if they were side by side I may chose the non-GMO product. No science basis for me, just old school-- but wouldn't turn down the new.
    Fully vaccinated here

  4. I think people just need to do their own research and make the best decision for THEMSELVES on what they will eat and what will be injected into their body.


  5. Life is getting too complicated. I'm confused.

    God bless.

  6. A very wise and well thought out stance.

  7. GM foods, as far as I know, were made to be able to grow in places where previously no foods were able to grow, such as the deserts of Africa where little water is available. Or in the freezing temperatures of the Tundra, or even on Mars, should we one day find ourselves living there.
    So far, I haven't seen any indication that the famine ridden continents have now been able to grow crops, there are still starving millions. Apart from that, GM foods look almost exactly like the originals, just bigger, but the seeds are sterile, which means starving populations cannot grow one crop then save some seeds to grow the next crop. New GM seeds must be purchased each season and that is part of the problem. "Rich" countries can afford these, starving countries cannot. And so the cycle continues.

    1. All very interesting. My research finds very little of it to be true, but it is still interesting. THe seeds for sure are not sterile...not true at all.

  8. I've decided I'm not overweight, just genetically modified. Also, I loved The Killer Tomatoes! I still can sing the theme song! Speaking of tomatoes..mine are ripening on the vine and are not GMO'd and they are sooooo good. Best part of summer.

  9. Such an insightful perception! It reminds me of the "You got peanut butter on my chocolate!" and "You got chocolate in my peanut butter!" commercials. Each demographic has an opposing view, yet an argument can be made for both viewpoints.

    To add to your perception on this issue, I further propose that the vaccinated chip-shunners watch only PBS (if they haven't thrown out their TV), and the knuckle-dragging unvaccinated chip-eaters watch only reality shows (on a 72-inch screen).

  10. very nice debate dear Joe

    we luckily eat here food which is not genetically modified or may be i am living in fools heaven and everything we eat is genetically modified ,actually things we find here are less bigger compared to things we see in other countries on tv .
    my way to find what is not normal is it is bigger ,extra shiny but with no taste at all ,specially i ask hubby to please find in market gourd for me that are thin and light green unlike new ones which are dark green and always stay bitter no matter how hard you try to cook them ,i believe nothing is same ,no fragrance in rice and pulses ,no taste in vegetables anymore oh i miss those times just thirty years back
