Friday, August 13, 2021

A Failure to Communicate


A Failure to Communicate

 Have I ever commented on Mrs. C’s poor communication?  I think I have.  Anyway, she is a poor communicator.

Nothing serious, we do not need to see a counselor. But it can be annoying, especially when she says it is my inability to listen.

First off, in my defense, I am a guy.  None of us listen.  It is a given.  Women buy shoes and talk forever on the phone.  Guys don’t listen.

Anyway, Mrs. C communicates, but she does no like to waste words (unlike most women).  


“Kare, where is the new fornistat we just bought at Lowes?”


OK, she has saved many words, but it is those words that are required to find where she put the brand new fornistat. (Yes, that is made up)

“Where downstairs?”

“In the kitchen!”

“Where in the kitchen, I don’t see it.  If I did, I wouldn’t be yelling.”

“On the chair.”

“We have 7 chairs.”

“The one around the table.”

“We have 4 around the table.”

“The one with the coat on the seat.”

“I still don’t see it.”

“Look under the coat.”

I often wonder why she could not just answer the first time,

“Under the coat on the chair around the kitchen table.”

I guess she thinks she is saving words.

Today was another perfect example.

“I’m going out to put the garbage can on the street for tomorrows pick up.”

As I am unlocking the front door she responds,

“Leave the door unlocked.”

“Why would I relock the door, I am just going to come back when I take out the garbage can?”

“Not the front door, the side door on the garage, why would I want the front door unlocked?”

“I don’t know, call me crazy, but when I am at a door, in the process of unlocking it to go out and you tell me not to relock a door, my mind just gravitates to the door I am actually unlocking at the very moment, not the garage door.”

“But relocking the front door makes no sense!”


“So, what is your point.”

“You could have specified ‘the side garage door’.”

“I shouldn’t have to.”

It always makes me think of the Paul Newman movie “Cool Hand Luke” and the prison boss,

“What we have here is a failure to communicate.”



  1. Yes, we have a failure to communicate here too. I get it. It's frustrating.

    Never a dull moment at your house.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  2. Dear JoeH, I met my wife 53 years ago. Some puzzles I can't pass up. Communication is a marital curriculum, upper division: we married in 1970. Introduction aside, I just wanted to say, descriptively you've nailed the enigma. Not an easy task. Your post exceeds a history of poetry on the same subject. I'm in your debt.

  3. I think its common with failures to communicate. We have trouble because he is so literal. I have to describe things to a T for him to get what I'm asking for. Can be frustrating.


  4. I. Explain. Everything. Verrryyy slooowwllyy..I always get the same answer.."What?"

  5. I love that movie, but not the egg eating scene.

  6. I hope she doesn't read your blog. For your sake.

  7. Maybe she should read your blog for your sake. Couldn't hurt. Think that would come under communication.

  8. I think people should communicate in writing. This way, the message will be more precise, clear, and to the point; because each party will have to ensure that they say what they mean to say since there's a permanent record of what was said.

    I communicate with my wife in writing and in triplicate. She now ignores me three times as much as before.

    God bless.

  9. I live with such a communicator, but my questions are answered with a repeat of the same answer, only LOUDER.

  10. My husband uses pronouns without an antecedent (for you English majos), like,"He called and said they would be here tomorrow." Who? Then he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Once again, I have failed the mind-reading part of the test.

  11. As Grandpa would say, we have a catastrophic state of disarray due to redundancy and semi-loquaciousness.

  12. okay, in my defense, i worked 20 yrs at a help desk, talking people through their computer hardware & software issues. if i was a bad communicator, i don't think i would have lasted 6 months. so maybe, just maybe, what we have here is a 'picnic' problem in chair, not in computer. in other words, maybe the problem is with mr cranky & he just likes to blame his not understanding on me, & not himself.

  13. Why do you have to ask so many questions in the first place?
