Wednesday, April 10, 2024




I used to post every day.  I posted stories from my past.  I posted opinions.  I posted about everyday happenings around the Cranky home.

I have run out of stories from my past.  Opinions no longer promote thought and discussion; they promote judgement and anger.  Happenings around the Cranky home have already been well documented. (And often treated as if I was looking for solutions to a problem…apparently, I suck at sarcasm.)

I have also noticed a significant difference in reader reactions to my posts and in general any media articles or news items.

I sometimes go back and read old posts from 2012 to around 2017.  Posts that many, if I do say so myself, are dang funny and occasionally almost inciteful.

Comments typically used to be, “Funny Cranky” or “LOL” or “ROFLMAO” or “I know you are joking, but much of this is spot on” or “Your wife is a hoot” or “I totally disagree, but still had to laugh at some of this crap.”

Comments today would be,

“I think you meant insightful, not inciteful, unless you wanted to start a riot!”

I read an article today about 6-year-old twins, and their reaction to a present of clothes and not toys.  I expected comments on the parenting style to what I thought was a bratty child reaction.  Instead, at least 40% of the comments were on the authors apparent grammatical flaw of referring to the Twins as a “Pair of twins.” I did not even notice this flaw as I am apparently also grammatically challenged.

For instance, I still refer to pants as a pair of pants, not a pair of pant.  Or glasses as a pair of glasses, or pliers as a pair of pliers, or even scissors as a pair of scissors. (Plus, it just took me four tries to spell scissors correctly).

I should not even be allowed to post!

I think I may have just slid slightly off topic.

Point is, it seems to me that these days people do not read anything to learn, discuss, laugh, or cry. Instead, there is a tendency to be insulted, indignant or judgmental. 

People are angry. 

In our current nationwide effort to be inclusive of different people, cultures, and ideas, we have become compartmentalized finger pointing virtue signalers.

This is of course a giant generalization, but the point is it is a clear direction that we are moving towards, and I do not like the direction one bit.



  1. Suldog here - It truly is becoming increasingly hard to post something funny without someone getting his or her panties in a twist (just being inclusive.) I firmly believe humor, including being able to laugh at oneself, is key to solving every "-ism" that pisses off the entitled crowd. However, when I've sometimes posted such things (on FB, not a blog, so...) somebody always feels a need to spout off about how I'm not taking things seriously enough, and I obviously don't understand the gravity of the situation, and... oh, to hell with it, Joe. YOU understand, and I thank you for the laughs.

  2. I remember the good old days too Joe. We had some fun didn’t we? I sometimes contemplate opening another box of fudge but I’m not sure I can remember how to log in… some people are far to quick to make judgments and get angry, they are missing out on so much. You and Mrs C brighten up the dullest days 😊. Long time lurker, not very recent commenter x

  3. Those were the days! When people were allowed to have a sense of humor, or their own opinion. Now I'm afraid to even describe people I have encounters with, unless they are just like me. I figure visiting somebody's blog is like visiting their house. You don't go in and tell them how cheap their furniture is, how ugly their wallpaper is, or how nasty their food tastes. You wait until you're out of there, then gossip about it behind their back!

    1. Made me laugh! The only keep.a.secret...keep yourself!

  4. I miss those days. But you're right, too many butt-hurt types in the world I suppose.

  5. Regarding the grammar police: I have a follower who thinks it is her job to proof read every word on my blog. It’s annoying and rude. I just let it go. What compels her to do this? I’d never go on someone else’s blog and correct them. It’s rude!
    Let’s face it - people are weird. And becoming more so all the time. No sense of humor, they get “triggered” over everything - they’re mad at everyone and take it out on others. Seriously, they all need a 12 step program.

  6. I miss your daily posts, but I understand. In these circumstances, it's not so much fun any longer.

  7. “I think you meant insightful, not inciteful, unless you wanted to start a riot!”

    Ha ha! I was thinking that!

    It seems the world has a different mood now. I remember the humor of years gone by. No one is allowed to laugh anymore.

  8. I read blogs hoping to get a laugh or maybe learn something interesting and new. I don't comment much anymore because usually others have said the same thing I would have, or I don't realise the post was meant as sarcasm, or the comments are so vitriolic I don't even want to stay on that page.

  9. I, too, miss your blog. You are a breath of funny fresh air amongst the mundane. And once again you are spot on.

  10. It’s sad, but I do agree. The comment section on most social media sites is atrocious.i fear for my grandkids. It’s either agree with the majority or be bullied. Oh, the irony.

    1. Which caused a 9 yr old.of.Ind. to kill himself! Oh how sad.

  11. Screw 'em has become my motto. I, too have noticed this. One woman who reads me is always snarky and mean. She does not get my humor. Has a fit about my grammar and punctuation as well. Even when the list of commentors say, omg you're so funny. She is mean. I now delete her messages. Hopefully she will stop coming around. Oh, and that kid was big fat brat. I read about it!!@

  12. I love your posts and you always make me laugh or at least think for a minute! I have noticed folks are very angry these days and lack a good sense of humor. Maybe working in an endoscopy lab doing colonoscopies all day has made me more tolerant of angry/hangry people!

  13. As usual Mike from used to be Montana misinterprets my posts, but then he is Liberal and I lean the other direction and he kind of proves my point in his own weird ass-hatish way. Something wrong with him and that is why I delete his comments. I usually don't even read them, this time I did. Anyway, go F yourself Mike.

  14. i have felt strong appeal for your blog sharing dear Joe specially because i could relate to your writing style that reminds me of urdu humor literature i have read in past , second reason you have mastery over what you say and how you say is always not just humorous but insightful in may ways .
    i would love to read your posts on daily bases because they enlighten my day and heart both !
    i wish you could avoid what or how other respond and just keep sharing your thoughts n even little things of life .that will be gift for your readers believe me !

  15. Only some. The rest of us are bored.

  16. People are angry. I notice that I have to extra care in parking lots so as not to get run over by cars. They all go so dang fast and come at you from all directions. They drive angry! Keep a sense of humor, I say and try not to get your knickers in a twist, easier said than done!
