Wednesday, March 13, 2024

She Needs A Deerstalker Hat and A Meerschaum Pipe I Tell Ya!


She Needs A Deerstalker Hat and A Meerschaum Pipe I Tell Ya!


Mrs. C once again has demonstrated her Sherlockian talent of clue spotting.

Today while she was at work, I had to fill out an on-line form for an oral Surgery appointment… (Bad tooth, no biggie.) The site to fill out the form was sent to my phone, so I had to fill it out on my phone.  (Yes I probably could have forwarded it to my computer except I can’t).  Anyway

One of the questions was for the phone number of my emergency contact…Mrs. C of course.  Problem was, her number is on my contact list which is on my phone which I was using to fill out the form.  (No I don’t know her actual number, I call her by telling the phone to “Call Karen, Mobile!")

OK, that’s it, no more explanation’s in parenthesis.  

So, in order to find the number, I thought maybe it would be on our landline phone.  (Well, it used to be on the phone…ok now that is the last one.)  I picked up the phone and looked.  Apparently they don't put it on the receiver anymore.

I had to dig out the number from a list in my wallet.

Later this night, Mrs. C comes to bed and glances at the phone.

“Did you use the phone today?”


“Did you use the phone today?”


“Because the cord was moved.”

“Holy crap!  I picked it up to look for our number which is not there to fill out a dental form.  How does the cord get moved more than an iota or two from that?”

“Apparently it does, because I could tell.”

“So, I guess if I came home with lipstick on my collar you would spot it.”

“Yes, but I might not care!”

That’s Mrs. C.  She does not miss a trick and also can put me in my place without skipping a beat.

At least she didn’t call me a JERK! 

(She has been known to call me that from time to time)

(Oops, I forgot)

(Maybe I am a Jerk!)



  1. Remember the old commercials: "You can't fool Mother Nature." Nor can you fool Mrs. C.

  2. Gracious, I wonder what she would have done had you gotten a call on the phone and (gulp) answered it!

  3. You are definitely living with Mrs. Sherlock Holmes, she seems to have super powers of deducting from clues.

  4. sorry for the tooth ache dear Joe !
    hope you are feeling better now
    she is talented np doubt and i doubt she won't care about the lipstick
    thanks for reminding that memorizing the family phone numbers is essential oops

  5. Dateline called, (not on your phone) and they want Mrs. C ASAP! P.s..I hope your tooth is better!
