Sunday, March 29, 2020



Covid-19 is ruining this spring.  This re-run from March 2014 is a reminder of years before the pandemic.

Spring is upon us.  Winter is putting up a battle, but spring is in the air.  I can feel it.  It may still be 32 degrees, but 32 degrees in March or April just feels much warmer than 32 degrees in January.  I can smell it.  Spring has a smell.  All the seasons smell.

Spring smells new, fresh, like a new car or like clothes fresh out of the dryer.  The flowers, the trees and the grass all emit their spring odor.  Spring smells like linseed oil on leather, it smells like baseball.  Spring smells like open windows and fresh air. 

Summer smells before it is officially upon us.  The world starts to smell slow.  Slow has a smell.  Slow smells like bacon or barbque chicken.  Summer smells slow.  The wind smells slow in summer. Summer is for resting up for what is to come.

I know when fall is near.  I don’t need a calendar, I can smell it.  Fall smells like football.  Yes, football is a smell.  It smells like change, it smells like dying…no, not dying…hibernation.  Fall smells like old air, mulching grass, browning leaves and fermenting fruit.  Fall smells like pie. 

Winter creeps up on us like no other season.  There is fall and suddenly the air is crisp and clean…not fresh like spring, but clean, almost antiseptically clean.  Winter cleanses all the smells of the other seasons.  Winter is a necessary time to rid the world of all the excesses of the other three seasons.  Winter cleanses and prepares us for spring.

Open a window.  Breathe deeply.  Can you smell it?  It may still be cold, but there is no chill.

It smells of spring.


  1. My windows are open and i do smell it. Also, i hear the birds like at no other time. Happy Spring!

  2. What a lovely and different post from you!!

  3. You nailed it! I could smell each season in my mind as I read about them. Well done!

  4. Replies
    1. Oh man! How did i miss the smell of rain in the spring?

    2. I love the way summer rain smells and that electric smell just before a summer thunderstorm.

  5. Very nice, Joe. Well it's 75F in Pittsburgh today, with some pretty strong winds but there's plenty of sunshine & a hint of sweeter days ahead in the air :)

  6. Love this post. Never thought it in quite those terms but now you will have me sniffing the days.

  7. It's 70 degrees here today and I'm LOVING it!

  8. Unless you live in a desert and it goes from winter to summer in less than a week. 64 degrees this past Friday. 90 degrees forecast for next Friday. But I am loving the warmer weather.


  9. That scent of spring is renewal. You are right, each season has their own special feeling. I miss all except summer, which should last about 3 weeks and then disappear.

  10. I love this poetic post. I too know that seasons have their smell and also, because I enjoy cooking..the tastes happen too! With spring I always enjoy the smell of dirt..yep, dirt that I can get out and watch my daffodils and crocus appear from. This Spring smells sort of stinky but I'm hoping better days are ahead. Thanks for a sweet post that made me smile again!

  11. I notice the different smells of seasons too, but my favourite is early to mid autumn, when the freshly fallen leaves of several plants around here smell like fresh tea leaves, then they go mushy in the rain and it's over, but the tea leaves smell lasts for a couple of weeks. Winter is just clean and cold and for most of the spring and summer I'm locked inside away from pollens. Walking past houses in winter is wonderful as I can breathe in the scents of cooking, hot buttered toast or crumpets, frying onions and garlic, roast beef, baking bread or cakes.

  12. I agree that all of nature's smells are lovely and I am grateful for it. My only complaint is that flowers don't last long enough.

  13. Aren't The Four Seasons a group from the sixties with Frankie Valli? Or was that Earth Wind and Fire?

    God bless.

  14. That's a good one Joe and you're right. I really hate that there are people who won't get to enjoy it this year.

  15. It's definitely starting to smell and look like spring here.

  16. Oh that is BEAUTIFUL :)

    i loved your analogy ,enjoyed how you interpreted the smells of seasons
    open windows and fresh air yes this is most amazing thing to have ,not just physically but spiritually :)
