Friday, March 27, 2020



Times Square NYC

Number one on my list is POLITICIANS SUCK!  A gazillion dollar bill to help those who are out of work to reduce the pain of the economic fall-out from Covid-19 was all but agreed upon on Sunday.  It is now Friday and it is still being delayed.  Good bill/ Bad bill?  Out of my pay grade, but something is needed and the majority of politicians are trying to put partisanship aside.
A few, however, tried with some success to slip unrelated pet projects into the bill.  I know this is common, but these times are uncommon.  When the bill was finally hammered out and passed unanimously in the Senate, one congressman decided he might throw a wrench into the process.  Too complicated for me to explain, but the bill which WILL pass in Congress, is being held up longer at the expense of several hundred thousand dollars, and bringing many hundreds of people together to vote and maybe leave infected.

I hereby offer a new award, the Cranky Flaming Asshole Award to the Republican Congressman from Kentucky, Thomas Massie.    

Congratulations Thomas Massie (R., Ky.) , you have earned it!*

Next on my list; thank you to all the hospital workers, first responders, grocery workers…everyone that is putting their health on the line to get the country through this time of near shutdown.

One more, Even though his politics have always been different than mine, and I was not a fan of his father or his brother, Fredo, I always respected NY Governor Andrew Cuomo.  Now I am especially a fan.  He has shown himself to be honest, compassionate and competent during what has to be the most trying time he has or will ever have in his life.

Social distancing; In general it seems most people are complying with social distancing and even the ill-informed are getting the message.  We have to forgive the very young (under 30) their brains have not quite yet finished evolving.

On a personal note, the Cranky’s are doing fine.  I hear from my children more often than normal, good to know they care, in turn I worry for them.  Mrs. C is in the process of cleaning out her office/hoarding room, so miracles are possible…this gives me hope for a Covid-19 resolution.

Finally, I am only 8 push-ups away from my goal, and I lost one more pound this week.  I would have lost more except for some Irish soda bread and extra good St. Joseph cannoli things from Mrs. C’s cousins bakery that I could not pass up.

Vaccaro's in Clark N.J.

Vaccaro's Diet killer, good!

Stay safe everyone, and wash your Feckin hands!

*Since this post was written, the bill passed.  Thomas Massie (R., Ky.) is still an asshole. 


  1. Happy to hear that you and Mrs. C are safe n' sound. - Now I want some cannoli. I also want Gov. Cuomo to run for President. I like him. I liked his dad too and I like his brother. :) Stay safe.

  2. I've washed my hands so much the already dry skin now looks like it is 90 and feels like paper. Even hand creams and lotions aren't helping :(
    Good to hear you two are okay and hearing from your children to know they care.
    I wish I could have cannoli.

  3. Most of the political stuff is above my pay grade, too. Glad to hear you and Mrs. C are doing well, i pray all stays well with you and yours.

  4. I can't even with these politicians. I've been using FaceTime to keep in touch with my grandson. It's not the easiest thing with a 2 year old, but it's safe and we are glad to have it!

    Thanks for continuing to blog, Joe. I don't have it in me right now, but I appreciate having other blogs to read. Take care!

  5. Bad Politicians are seldom leaders and those that end up being good leaders usually only find it during an emergency where they have zero choice in the matter. I just wish a certain politician would become a leader, but from where I sit that is asking a lot. Oh well it just goes to show that showman have different priorities.

    1. Yeah, a lot of people say that. I don't know I'll wait to see how this all washes out before making a judgement, now it seems to me unfair to judge when all the facts are not in. I am certainly hopeful that on the whole our leaders will make correct decisions, might take a long time to analyze...of course many people are experts when they do not face consequences.

  6. Congrats on the lost pound. Keep up the good work. So glad you two are doing well and that the kids are keeping tabs. Stay safe and well.

  7. You lost a pound? Good for you. I believe I may have found it, if you'd like to have it back... :)

    It's frustrating that it took the politicians so long to push the relief bill through, and I agree with you about the jerkwad from KY... but he should maybe share his award with McConnell and quite a few others I won't name. At over 800 pages, I wonder how many of the politicians know exactly what they voted for.

    Hunker down, and stay safe!

    1. Yeah, McConnell, he's probably the problem.

  8. Oh, that dessert looks fabulous. I have lost 3.5 pounds and hope that next time I step on the *&%jdijf scale it will show a little more progress. If I bought a box of those I would have all those pounds back in one week, so luckily (snort) for me, during Lent we Orthodox Christians are to eat no meat, dairy, eggs, and fish, which severely limits what I can eat. Luckily, I can have chips and salsa.

  9. very young, their brains have not quite yet finished evolving.
    That is so true everywhere. I wrote to my friend in Australia and he too has the same to say. The young don't understand the seriousness of it.

  10. Not to be overly harsh, but anyone who has respect for the unethical, lying, cheating, scum-bag that is Cuomo is either delusional or simply misguided and ignorant of his top 'accomplishments'. That includes the handling of this mess.....

    Queenie is still in the hospital recovering from double pneumonia. She was mis-diagnosed with the FLU and had treatment delayed for a week for Covid because New York pushed doctors to do everything virtual and forgo formal testing. When hospitalized she tested negative for the FLU but not immediately positive for Covid because ......

    Again Cuomo and his cronies- hoarded the Covid tests in Albany meaning it took from Saturday morning until Monday before Queenie was given the positive result. We were fortunate, others were experiencing up to 4 DAYS delay in getting results. So they were able to start treatment ....

    TUESDAY, another more than 24 hours because the medication had to be sent there from wherever Cuomo and company were hoarding it. You know, the medications that an intelligent capable person would have shipped WITH the long delayed test results?

    And no doubt you've heard Cuomo endlessly bitching about ventilators? Like the one my father in law is on? Well, the world just found out today that Cuomo has (and knew he had) THOUSANDS of ventilators in a warehouse the he failed to deploy. Oh, and he refused the opportunity to buy 16,000 additional ventilators preferring to use the issue for political gain.

    Cuomo should have been presented a co-award of Crankies Flaming Asshole at the very least though in the Summit household he certainly would have earned it outright ........even though we were fortunate enough to rate a ventilator for Queenie's father who has a far more severe case than even Queenie had.

    1. I am not as close to this as you are, so I have not seen that perspective. This is such a difficult time for everyone, but most of us are not feeling it as much as you are. Stay as safe as you can, I hope things turn around for your situation very soon.

      Your anger is very understandable!

    2. I apologize for the tone of that post and did not mean to aim my anger your way. As far as Cuomo is concerned, in addition to the few cases I cite above you must know that Cuomo also publicly stated on multiple occasions that people like me (hunters, big government critics, small town residents, etc) are not welcome in 'HIS' state. As a life-time resident of the state I take offense at most of what the man does as much of it is detrimental to the little guy.

  11. I heard Planned Parenthood was not included on the bill so I am thankful about that. Glad the bill went throi4 despite people's delays. Good to hear your kids are doing fine. I do admire those first responders and the like. Dedicated people out there as well as grocery workers. They are helping things seem like normal in such an abnormal time.


  12. Congrats on your pound, and also on scoring that cannoli thing!

  13. Please stay safe. This Virus is not a joke. Please check my tweet to our President I am on Twitter @blurbwatch.

  14. I'm so glad you and Mrs. C are good! I worry about my blog buddies. Congrats on sticking with the exercise and diet! Even a little treat once in a bit won't hurt because you sound determined to reach those goals. I wash my hands so much I think they are permanently wrinkled..silly me, they are just wrinkled naturally! Ha! Have a good Sunday!

  15. For most of the day I wear blue rubber gloves, the sort used by nurses. It makes washing hands easier.

  16. this is always good to know that family members care for each other dear Joe

    this virus has brought some warmth to relationships and people hear from even those who were hopeless
    i am happy that both of you are doing good ,may Lord keep his grace on for you and family,amen!
    congrats for her office cleaning and yes for the bill :)
    keep taking good care Joe !
