Saturday, March 21, 2020


Random thoughts, not re-tweet…I did the RT thing in my first book before I ever heard of Twitter.

Social Distancing – This is not really a new thing, I had dated many women in college that practiced it.

WHO – No, not World Health Organization, Who?  In reading news on the internet, 90% of the stories are about Covid-19, the other 10% are all about famous people that I have to ask Mrs. C “Who?”  I think that means I am in the danger group for Covid-19.  In fact that should be the criteria,

“If you have never heard of Brittany Kerr, you need to self-quarantine.”

Toilet Paper – If you run out, don’t panic.  In Europe TP is just wrong, apparently, they all us a bidet.  Do you have a squirt gun?

Singers, Actors and Wealthy people who have opinions – Fuck’em.

Sports cancellations – After the Super Bowl there is only figure skating, so thus far not a biggie for me…I do miss watching them skate backwards though.

WHAT?  The MASTERS? Never mind.

TV – Talk shows are cancelling because they need an audience? Then why am I still blogging?

Due to quarantines, experts call for staying in touch with old people – Could they add “Unless the old person is a Cranky Old Man.*”

Millennials Partying in face of epidemic – I have a solution, if your kid is on the beach partying, threaten to change your will to give everything to a cat shelter…end of problem.
Little Known TV fact - At any time of the day there is always at least one channel showing "Two and a Half Men" generally just before the channel showing "Pretty Woman," "The Green Mile," or "The Shawshank Redemption."

Diet update – Sheltering-in-place (easier BTW than running-in-place) does make dieting a little easier, gym closure not so much.  Still, lost 2 pounds this week and am 12 push-ups away from my birthday goal.

That’s it – Stay safe folks, keep away from people and wash your Feckin hands.

This lovely lady sings it best

*Just kidding kids, but one call a day limit.


  1. She sang it well.
    Just saw a meme about alternatives for TP and poop. Jim Bob hook up a garden hose to the water source behind toilet, attached a nozzle. It will mean a thorough cleaning.

  2. Heh, heh! You invented Social Distancing.

  3. Good for you for the loss of 2 more pounds!! Agree with you about singers etc about having an opinon about Covid-19. Any rich famous person has so many resources in place to shelter them through this time. Don't really want to know how this is affecting them and get any "poor me's" from them. Arizonians are having trouble with social distancing. Saw on the news today how crowded the hiking trails are here. I guess in its defense we are in the months of pleasant weather to be out and about.


  4. The Shawshank Redemption is a fabulous movie. I'd watch it again.
    I WISH I had a bidet, but subsidised housing doesn't get such luxuries. We're just glad to at least have electricity, although there is a serious lack of outlets per room.

  5. I didn't realise there was a shortage of food for cats. Pray for Charlie, everyone.

  6. Lol on the criteria for self-quarantine. It took me forever to learn that Tatum Channing was a male, so I'm in your demographic.

    1. WAIT...Tatum Channing is a man?

    2. Not only is Tatum Channing a man, apparently his name is Channing Tatum.
      TIme to move to the head of the old people line.

    3. Lol, the name just confuses me on so many levels!

  7. TOILET PAPER: Here where I am if we don't have a bidet we use a high pressure water jet.

    God bless.

  8. Brittany Kerr? I remember a Deborah Kerr... yes, I know--to the quarantine booth for me!

  9. My favorite and I've been saying it for years... Singers, Actors and Wealthy people who have opinions – Fuck’em.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. 😎

  10. That is one reason I self check out. Seeing all those "Who" folks on the magazines in the regular check out lines was depressing. Totally enjoyed the post Joe but lost it at squirt gun. Still smiling but you know, it could work.

  11. I love your posts because they make me laugh and are full of common Sense. Stay the course..this too shall pass.

  12. Yes, they've cancelled golf, too, and i am sad. No, i don't watch it, but i do respect the amount of time and work and talent it takes to get good enough to compete, and i am sad for anyone who works for years to get to that level and then .. nothing. Stay safe.

  13. i can imagine how harder it is for sport fans Joe

    reminded me my father who would spent his holiday while watching sports or in case no electricity reading digests and magazines
    i just came back from a funeral so not in mood to listen song
    stay well my friend!
