Friday, March 20, 2020



It seems that many if not most people who get this Corona thing do not get all that sick.  Some people barely know they are sick.  This is especially true for young people, though they may not be as safe as they think.

I am a pretty healthy 74 years old.  I exercise.  I have not smoked for ten years, I only have an occasional glass of wine, and maybe once a month a glass or two of port and a good cigar.

Still I am warned everyday and all day on the internet and the TV,

“If you are 60 or over, you are in the most susceptible group for getting very sick from this virus.”

The best thing to do they say?  Wash your hands and stay away from people.

Contrary to what many people think of someone who believes that Communism is bad, Capitalism is good; I do believe in Science.  If a really smart person tells me to wash my hands and stay away from people, I wash my hands and stay away from people.

For seven days now, I have had no human contact with anyone but Mrs. C and she has had only very limited contact with anyone.  I figure,

Just hunker down for two weeks and let’s see where we are.”  

My home should be virus free, and I  keep it clean and wash my hands.

Still occasionally there are friends or relatives that think a visit would be no big deal.  One such visitor has left me feeling like my sanctuary is no longer for-sure-pristine.  I feel like I now have to start the clock on avoiding this virus again. 

I am just a little pissed.

Some people think I am being ridiculous.

“One person visited for a few hours.  You’ll be fine.”

Yes, probably.

Still, I ask,

“If I had a gun with 10000 chambers and one bullet and I spun the chambers and pointed it at your head, would you think it silly to ask ‘please don’t pull the trigger?’”

I didn’t think so, now “Get Off My Lawn!”


  1. I think you're very wise to take such precautions. If people are really "friends" they would respect your decision. If they don't, then use some of your choice words to explain it to them.

    God bless you and yours. Let us earnestly pray for God's mercy and protection.

  2. I hear you! It's a lot of work to decontaminate an entire house. Plus, Clorox wipes are in short supply.

    1. Hot water with a few drops of bleach works just as well.

  3. I had just crossed the Pennsylvania state line on my way for a surprise visit, but I'm turning around. I respect your sanctuary. What's 500 miles and three states of fruitless travel, compared to contaminating a cranky old man's house? I, aka The Unclean, shall stay away!

  4. I'm on your side in this.
    This thing is no joke.
    Some people's attitudes really torque my jaws.

  5. I'm with ya too, Joe--this thing's a killer. If someone wants to play 'chicken' with this virus, let 'em do it in their own coop.

  6. I am with you on this, I am not allowing visitors in my home, since I am in that same age bracket as you. My son did not enter my house when he brought me food today and we sat and chatted outside on the front flagstone seating area. I wiped down each food can with Lysol wipes and the carton of milk too, before storing them.

  7. I'm wary of visitors also, only allowing my son who is visiting next Thursday, even the neighbours are not getting in here for their usual chats. not that they've tried, they're all staying in too. Being safe.

  8. On normal days I don't get visitors, which means I don't miss anyone now. I felt a bit left out at first but reading your post made me realise I was better off not having callers.

  9. I get it. I’m 69 and in the group as well. We haven’t been as vigilant as you have because of our work, but where we live is sparsely populated. Having said that, only a few family members have been in our house.we plan to do that for at least another week.

  10. I was slightly ahead of the curve last Monday when I put the kibosh on our gym membership...4 days later they closed. Romeo has been practicing social distancing for so long he could write a book on it. Even with our neighbors we are texting or calling instead of visiting. If we have to do this for a month, I may lose what little of my mind is left after this next week! Yeah, I am one of those "people persons". Maybe I'll have Romeo give me a few lessons. :-)

  11. Being even older than you, I totally agree. Fortunately--I think--my friends and family have rediscovered the phone. I was on it for 2.5 hours yesterday with 4 different people. We still got to visit and stayed safe. Though it took a while for my ear to fluff up again. Must learn to use speaker function.

  12. I know what you mean. Have not had visitors for a bit and continue to follow what is recommended to do. Better safe than get sick.


  13. When I was a kid people with measles were quarantined in their homes and the doctor would give them a bright red QUARANTINE card to attach to the door or window of their home so people wouldn't come in. Maybe that's what you need, Joe.

  14. So far I only see the numbers going up and extending to groups that were thought to be not vulnerable at first, so I do think it is important that we all take this seriously.

  15. At work the other day, i saw a "birthday party." The birthday girl and her mom stood on the decorated porch and others drove up, hopped out of their car and sang the birthday song. Then they sat under the tree and visited from a distance. It's a new way of relating.

    Tell friends who want to visit you to do it by video call. After all, we have that Dick Tracy stuff now, let's use it!

  16. this is great that you are being careful dear Joe

    this is wise ,i believe in science most and i think scientist are people most close to God

    last day when one of my brother in law family visited ,after they left my eldest son called and he took quite a class when knew that we had visitors
    what to do ,he says say no to any kind of socialization but what to do with delicate relationships ?
