Thursday, March 5, 2020

Proof That People Suck

Proof That People Suck
Well some people anyway.

What am I talking about?  The televised walk by Nik Wallenda on a tightrope across the crater of an active volcano in Nicaragua.

I didn't watch this event for the same reason I don’t watch Formula 1 or NASCAR races, or sword swallowers, or other daredevils, I don’t want to see what could go wrong if something does go wrong.

Apparently, lots of people watched this event BECAUSE something could go wrong, perhaps some people even secretly hoped something WOULD  go wrong.

This guy walked on a narrow cable across and above an active volcano with a lake of one-billion-degree molten lava below him.  I don’t know if the lava is one billion degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. I suspect it would not make very much difference to Vic if he fell into it.

The walk was especially difficult as it was very windy, and the volcano spews a constant barrage of toxic gas.  Vic had a respirator and goggles to protect him, apparently, he had to remove the goggles at sometime as they were burning-searing hot into his face.

This was no simple task, and one I suspect was not easy to prepare for.  I mean you can practice the walk, but its pretty hard to simulate the conditions of high wind and toxic fumes.  

Wallenda completed the walk in a half hour to cheers from many, but others, based on Twitter comments, felt they were ripped off. 


Because Vic had a safety harness attached the whole time.

The nerve of the guy.  If he slipped, he would not have gone into the one-billion-degree lava after all.  These poor people were watching on the edge of their seat waiting for Vic to take a hot lava bath, and the whole time he was protected by a harness.

What a fraud!

Well, some people thought he was a fraud…but then some people suck!


  1. Haha! You're right Joe, most people do suck--blood!

  2. I say bravo to Vic for having the safety harness. I don't watch things where someone could get seriously hurt; I might watch a re-run where I know they were successful.

  3. I saw a commercial for that, and assumed he was doing the walk without safety equipment. I didn't watch, because I was worried about him. Looks like a lot of other people ASSUMED, too. Which explains those responses.

  4. I still think it is an accomplishment to have done it, safety harness or not. I hadn't seen any commercials/ads for it so totally clueless about it all.


  5. Evil is the absence of empathy.

    God bless.

  6. I don't watch things like this, only if the news service here does a segment on it, then I'll see it. over an active volcano, I think a safety harness is a fine idea. I'm wondering how he managed to balance and take off the goggles then put them back on and why weren't they heat-proofed so he didn't have to?

  7. first of all thank you for sharing this dear Joe
    i think only a sweet heart can do this !

    second people who wanted him to skip harness should also show how to do without it ,if not on volcano but from one building to another atleast
    i agree with title this time

  8. You and I are most certainly i sync here.

  9. Fear for his safety would have stopped me viewing. I couldn't bear to witness a fall, or a possible one.

  10. Did not watch, won't watch. And I, for one, am grateful he wore the harness. I cannot imagine what makes a person want to do that kind of thing and i cannot imagine how his wife was feeling for that half hour. But to post negative comments because of a safety harness, they do suck.

  11. I could not agree more. I would never watch something like this out of fear of what could happen, even with safety precautions. And might i suggest that he not had the safety harness he would have gotten an equal amount of flack for setting a terrible example to others. Too much suckage going on in the world today.

  12. With a lot of today's trolls, nothing anyone does is not criticized. Had he not worn one, there would have been similar outrage. Did not watch but might have if I had known he had a harness.

  13. Harness or not I wouldn't do this. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Joe. 😎

  14. Some people are too stupid to be on the loose.

  15. I was never a fan of acrobats or any 'entertainment' that involved risk to the performers.

  16. When I was younger I watched but not anymore. It's too frightening if they were to fall, harness or not. Also. I would challenge the people calling him a fraud to even make the climb to get to the rope.

  17. The Wallendas are an amazing family with a fascinating history, and Nik is a very good man besides. It does frighten me to read about the things he does, and i wish him a long line of unbroked successes.
