Friday, March 6, 2020

DIET…Gotta try it

DIET…Gotta try it
I may have mentioned a while back that I am trying a diet.  One factor that makes a diet successful, and I have been on them on and off for the last forty years so I am an expert, is accountability. 

The Weight Watchers Program is successful, at least when I was on it thirty years ago, because they have you weigh in every week.  No one wants to weigh in every week and have it announced that you didn’t lose any weight.  It is a great incentive, that shaming thing, and it works.

So, for this diet I am using my blog for accountability and incentive.

My other incentive is my step-daughter is getting married in June.  Mrs. C and I want to look our best…as if anyone will be looking at us, what with the bride knocking everyone out with her beauty and grace. 

Anyway, vanity your name is old people who want to look young.

So far in my first 10 days I have lost 3 pounds.  The goal is 15 pounds, and then to keep it off.  I am generally a three-year yoyo-er in my weight, I would like to cut the string.

Another incentive is my phys-ed, health coach son.  He teaches high school phys-ed and is a certified health coach who is helping thousands of clients all around the country.  I promised him I would do a push-up for every year on my birthdays.  At 70 I did 70.  I plan to do 74 this May.  I need to lose weight for that.

BTW, If you are interested in a weight loss program, Matt is your man*.  He does not berate and do that yelling “You can do it…give me one more” crap.  He is encouraging, understanding, knowledgeable and gages his program to all ages and body types.  He is a bit of a nut with a goal to make the world healthy through diet and exercise, but I am still proud of him. 

This is Matt in action.  His program does not expect this from all his clients.  For some just regular movement and a healthy weight is goal enough.

Am I on his program you ask?  Not yet.  I am just cutting down on calories.  Getting off sugar, reducing carbs and hitting the gym three times a week.  I want to make sure I can do this before committing to Matt’s program.  It is one thing to fail myself, I don’t want to risk failing my son.

Anyway, now I am committed. 

Seventy-four push-ups by May, fifteen pounds by June.  I will keep you posted in a weekly weigh-in.  If I fail, I will have to take the blogging walk of shame.


I don’t want that!
*If interested I can have him get in touch.


  1. Way to go! I know you can do it! I'm also dieting and have lost 10..I'm getting ready for my Granddaughter's wedding next year so I think I can shave off a lot more by then. Good luck and good health!

  2. You got this and I have a feeling that the 74 pushups will happen and 12 more pounds will melt away. The best part you will look dapper at the wedding. :-) Do well.

  3. I'm curious what the blogging walk of shame is, but I hope you won't be walking it! If you stick with the program, I think it is very doable in the time frame you have to drop the weight you want to drop. Consistency is the key to success as well as accountability. Weekly weigh ins are so very important because they give you a look at what is going right with your program or what needs to be tweaked in it. I'm sure for your step daughter's wedding both you and Mrs. Cranky will look stunning!


  4. I've just watched that video. Holey Moley! Matt is so fit and flexible! I have limited flexibility and gym fees are way beyond my budget, so I'll be walking my weight off and doing some stretching exercises at home. I aim to lose 20kg, (44 pounds) so I'll start with five (11 pounds)which is an easier goal, then do the next five and so on. Our summer is cooling down at last, so I'll get back to walking along the beaches which I enjoy more than just trudging around the block.

  5. Forgot to congratulate you on the first three pounds lost and I know you will get those 74 pushups done.

  6. My gosh, he seems to do all that so effortlessly. That is quite impressive.

    Congratulations on the weight loss. It isn’t so easy when we get older. If you don’t lose the 15 lbs. (which I am sure you will), there is always men’s Spanx.

  7. Congratulations and good luck.

    God bless.

  8. Remember, determination is your middle name. Good luck, and keep us posted.

  9. WOW! Is your son Matt incredibly strong and flexible. Be proud for it is your genes in him. I laughed at the barbell roll out. I'd have made it out (though much faster than he did and more like a face plant) but you would have had to call 911 to bet me off the floor.
    Keep up the good work Joe and those 15 pounds will soon be history--then cut the sting.

  10. I was impressed by the video of Matt, wishing I could do some of those. It would be more of a comedy if I tried, haha.

    I am also dieting, basically just eat less and work out more. I am weighing myself once a week, so I hope I'll have some results this next Tuesday. Good luck to you!

  11. Congratulations, Joe! Not only will you look great, you'll feel great!! I doing Keto right now so please know I am cheering you on! - Also. Your son is part Spiderman, the Matrix, and Superman all rolled into one. Remarkable! :) Those are your genes so you won't fail yourself or your son. :)

  12. Not only could I not do a SINGLE push-up, I'd have to have help getting up off the floor! But good luck to you, Joe. You can and will do it.

  13. I'm most impressed with the push ups!

  14. You can do this! You have not set an unreasonable goal, you are taking the pounds off sensibly and increasing your exercise, which will help keep you mobile for years longer. My hat is off to you!
