Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Twelve Strings

Twelve Strings
I have been shopping lately for a twelve-string guitar.  I have enough trouble playing six strings, why would I want a twelve-string guitar?
Mrs. C loves twelve string guitars.  I don’t know what it is, but when we go to a concert and someone pulls out a twelve-string guitars she gets giddy with excitement.  Of course, she never listens to me play anyway, but it still makes me want to try.
Rick @ http://www.rickwatson-writer.com/ tells me they are not that difficult to play and they do produce a rich sound.  I tested one out tonight, and Rick is right, it was not that hard to play.  I only tried strumming chords, I think finger picking would be difficult, but I did like the feel.
So now I want one.  Do I need one? No.  Do I play well enough to use it professionally?  Not even close.  Can I play two guitars at once? No.  Then why get another guitar?
Because I want one!
I want one because just looking at one makes Mrs. C all gooey.  I want one because they are pretty.  I want one because they sound so nice and I can strum chords on it, so it would be fun to play. I want one because I don’t have many toys, I am too old to play with most toys, and even though they can be expensive…oh hell, I just want one.
The Guitar Store only had one guitar to try out.  It was a Martin and you can’t go wrong with a Martin, but I would like to try a few others for comfort and playability.  I guess I can wait and shop around a bit, but I am Jonesing for a new axe (that’s what musicians call their guitars…if you can’t play like a musician, at least talk like one.)
I do have a birthday coming in May.


  1. May is not so far away, I hope you get that twelve string and enjoy every minute playing it :)

  2. I do hope you get one for your birthday. My view is the older we get the more we should see our dreams come true. We deserve it.

  3. My brother in law says one can never ever have too many guitars. He is a professional so he should know.

  4. I do enjoy the full, rich sound of a 12-string, especially for a strumming/rhythm style of playing. It's harder to do the finger-style picking or lead-playing on a twelve, tho (Leo Kottke did it, but, you know, he's Leo Kottke, and I'm not. . .)

  5. I hope there's a 12-string in your future. It's now or never. I don't deny myself much these days.

  6. If a 12-string guitar makes Mrs. C all gooey, I'd say the purchase of one is inevitable. And warranted.

  7. I feel dumb that I've never heard of a 12 string before now.

  8. Don't think I have ever knowingly heard a 12 string. Mrs. C's reaction makes me really want to hear one. Go for it Joe and make us a video.

  9. For Mrs.C sake, Get you one!!!

  10. Life is short. Buy the damned guitar!

  11. Get one. For acoustics, Martin is the best. If you want an electric, you need to find your tone, Rickenbacker with a Vox amp if you want a "Beatles" sound with lots of chime, and a Telecaster with a Fender amp if you want more grinding. This is straight from Sweetie's mouth.

  12. I think no matter how old you get you're still just that guy in h.s who's getting the guitar (or car) because it makes his girl all "gooey." Very sweet Cranky. Very sweet. :)

  13. How lucky to have time to play guitar dear Joe!
    my eldest son bought one but he has BUSY routine so he often does not find time for his hobby .

    i think you should try what excites mrs C

  14. Go for it. A happy wife makes for a happy life.

  15. I don't know anything about guitars, but I totally get what you mean. I'm lusting for a new lens for one of my cameras. I was all upset that my birthday and Christmas are still a loooong time away, until I remembered Mother's Day is in May. So get the guitar!
