Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I Would Not be a Good Doctor

I Would Not be a Good Doctor
I came to the above titled conclusion while watching the TV show, “The Good Doctor.” I know what some of you are thinking,
“Crap Cranky, is that all you do, watch TV.” 
Well, pretty much yes.  I watch a lot of TV…sorry.  Probably another billion people in this country watch TV too, so yes. 
All those people who only watch the news and PBS can leave now, no need to tell me that TV is all crap, I get it, you’re better than me.
Pheew, are the TV snobs all gone now? OK, so:
“The Good Doctor” is about a talented surgeon intern who has a form of autism.  As a conservative, I could dismiss the show as another Hollywood attempt to indoctrinate the masses on the value of diversity, but I do know several people with autism who are extremely intelligent, productive citizens, so, message already received.
I was watching an episode the other day, and every damn thing that could go wrong in the operating room went wrong.  When an unexpected blood vessel suddenly bursts, the TV surgeon immediately jumps into action.
“Clamp…stat! give me 3 cc’s of orangatide!  No, you idiot, not me, give it to the patient, and call Dr. Glick, the patient will need a liver specialist, and a gromatologist, and get me a Junior Mint, they can be very refreshing you know.  Don’t just stand there, hurry, his life is at stake!”
Watching this episode, I realized that if I was that surgeon my response would more likely be,
“Crap the fucking blood vessel is bleeding all over the friggin place! Quick, do something to stop that bleeding and…ah…umm…stick something in him, you know that…what is it called, the orange stuff that does things and call someone…Shit, I need a drink!”
It is probably a good thing that I never went to Med School.  It would have been a waste of time and money.  I do not have the disposition to work well under stress.  That and I am lazy, only got a “C-” in biology 101, and blood freaks me out, so yeah, I would not have been a good doctor.
It is a good show though, just a few clicks to the left of PBS, and yes, I still call it clicks, don’t you?


  1. I've worked in an operating room since 1971 and your way of handling a bleeder is closer to the truth than any med tv show. I've had a surgeon on many occasions say: "Hand me the "thingie"...and I'm suppose to know what that is and I'm always proud of myself when I do. I also have interpreted many accents and personalities. I've also been told that they could train monkeys to do my job..which is probably true too. In the old days Docs got away with being super jerks who scream and throw things. In some places it still does happen but thankfully not where I work. I'v also worked with an autistic surgeon and frankly that's why I only watched the Good Doctor a couple of times...brought back too many painful memories! I've also had the pleasure of working with some really awesome physicians who save lives and make my job worth going to every day. The show, "The Good Doctor" is a good show and many of my coworkers love it...don't feel guilty about watching it! (or any other show for that matter!) Have a good week!

  2. Hahahahahaha. That would pretty much be me too, maybe a little closer to House. :) I haven't watched that show but I'll put it on my list. I'm still Netflixing and watching Hulu to get caught up on Law & Order SVU. I do want to watch that show about the Kennedys on CNN. - I haven't been around much. It's good to read you again. :)

  3. I think my reaction would be similar to yours. Blood everywhere? "Ooopsie, anyone here got a bandaid?" or: "Sew that up would you love?"
    I've seen a couple of episodes of The Good Doctor, but not many, I keep missing it because I'm watching DVDs of other shows or movies.

  4. I stopped watching shows about medics/hospitals because I couldn't stand the way the doctors/nurses behaved. Thank goodness they're not like that in real life.

  5. I haven't watched the show, but I record it for my 90 year old mother. It sounds like I should check it out.

  6. Really like that show. Probably because I know I'll never be in an operating room as a doctor so I don't have to worry about the orange stuff. I, too, like to watch TV. It's sort of my thing.

  7. Medical shows are my favorites but only as a spectator. I know I couldn't handle the real thing. I always hope that when I am unconscious that the doctors aren't discussing the latest March Madness upsets while sawing away on me. That always kind of gets me.

  8. I don't watch that show, but I am a long time fan of Grey's Anatomy and so I am under the impression that most of what doctors do is have sex with other doctors. Not saying that qualifies me to join the medical profession.

  9. I like that show too....the young man is quite the actor...so realistic.

  10. Not everyone would be a good doctor, and that's okay because if we were all doctors, there would be no patients (doctors don't go to the doctor, you know).

  11. You may not make a good doctor, but at least I think you would know not to let a loose Junior Mint fall into the incision...

  12. You only need one word, Joeh. STAT!

  13. I hadn't watched medical shows in years.. decades but I did start watching The Good Doctor because it intrigues me. I happen to have two episodes to watch.. last week's is on pause for a bit while I type. I'm sure what you say is true enough.. and it's interesting to hear Yaya's take on things. But what made me smile was the Seinfeld reference. Classic!

  14. well though we were not in condition to afford it still i wanted to be a doctor because i liked the dress that doctors wear white long coat and confidence that they know more than us about our insidious world .

    but now when i listen in news often that doctor forgot the scissor or even towel in the body of patient i take breath of relief because if i would be a doctor i may have forget more than half of surgery tools in patient's tummy

  15. Being from Alabama, I talk too slowly. A patient would bleed to death before I could give the instructions on what I needed.

  16. I used to watch "ER." I would have become a nurse just to be near George Clooney.
