Sunday, January 21, 2018


 I am posting this re-run from 2013 in honor of the great blogger "fishducky"  who is currently recovering from a slip and fall accident.
Years ago, when my mom was around 82 years old, she slipped on some ice.  Mom was a few years away from Alzheimer’s, and looking back that disease was clearly just around the corner.  
Mom lived alone in a big house, her dream house on the Eastern Shore Md.  Coming from the garage after driving out to the road to pick up her mail, she slipped on some ice.

She tried to pick herself up, but she could not.  She dragged herself into the house where she survived for several days waiting to recover.  It would be a long wait as she had broken her hip.  After a day or two, a neighbor was looking in on her, found she was hurt and took her to the hospital.

They fixed her hip with a few screws and some rest.  She recovered very quickly for an old gal, and never got rid of the cane they gave her to get around.  Oh she didn’t need it to walk after a while, but she used it to reach high objects, or as a threat to crack anyone who got in her way.  

Mom was feisty to say the least.

You may ask, “Why didn’t your mom just simply get on the phone and call for help when she realized she could do no more for several days than crawl around?”  It is a fair question, one we asked her ourselves.

 Her answer?

“I didn’t want to trouble anyone, I was able to reach food and water, I figured I was all right.”

“But mom, you could have at least called 9-1-1 for help!”

“Oh, I don’t like to bother those nine-eleven people; they have lots of emergencies they have to deal with!”

Now I don’t know how much of mom’s attitude was caused due to her approaching dementia, but for sure she was one tough 5’2” 105 lb. lady!

They just don’t make ’em like they used to!
fishducky's comment in 2013 was:
I am ONLY 78 years old & I AM A WIMP!!
Apparently you are not so wimpy Fran!


  1. I tend to wait and see before heading to a hospital, but I'd like to think that if all I could do is crawl around I'd call an ambulance before people came looking for me.

  2. Your Mom had spirit, that's for sure. Thank goodness I had a hip op when I was younger. Not sure I could cope with one at 84.

  3. God bless her, your Mom was one tough, independent cookie. I'd have been whining from minute one.

  4. I hope that I have that demeanor when I reach her age, I'll definitely keep a cane with me.

  5. My MIL waited in her chair after falling, smucking her head. Later that day (hours) her daughter came through the door to find her sitting there with a bloody head and face. When asked why she didn't call someone, she said she was waiting for Barbara.

  6. Speaking for myself I know they didn't make ME that way for sure but I come from a long line of tough old broads lol.

  7. Sounds like my Mom! 'Bout the same size and made it to a feisty 92 with a touch of dementia.

  8. I remember my grandmother was just like that. Never wanted to bother anyone. You had a great mom.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ☺

  9. Working in surgery I've heard many stories of how folks have broken their hip. One of my favorites was the lovely old dolly who fell in her kitchen and crawled painfully across the floor to her phone. She made the most important call her hairdresser to cancel her appointment! Yep, they don't make them like that any more!

  10. Your mother was an amazing woman, that's all i can say.

  11. That's cute..."those 911 people"

  12. I've taken to using a cane on occasion for balance more than any other reason. And I'm not 78 yet! (I have only a few months to go, though.)

  13. Geez! She was one tough lady!

  14. I'm sorry that your mom was crawling around and fending for herself. But you're right. They DON'T make them like that any more. You mom's generation didn't think only of themselves. There she was, putting other people ahead of herself, because she had food and water, and didn't see it as a "real" emergency to take up rescue workers' time. You have some great memories of her feistiness that you've shared with us. Keep 'em coming!

  15. My 90-year-old uncle was like that. He fell one night and he carried an emergency button he could press for help - but he chose to lie on the floor until the morning and call us rather than call out the professionals.

  16. having taken a few days off from reading blogs, i just saw this. i've found bitching, whining and complaining gets me the attention i need (or want).

  17. That's funny. She didn't want to bother the 9 eleven people. Had I fallen, I would have screamed so loud they would have heard me without me actually having to dial them.

  18. oh my she sounds like my own version in her replies

    she was wonderful strong lady i believe
    i have witnessed many elderly people including my own father who fell in their last year and broke hip or ankle or backbone
    this is so scary and this is why i will try to keep some sleeping pills to help me sleep peacefully and leave without being hurt my self hopefully

  19. Oh, I'd be screaming...on the phone, all over the neighborhood. I have a high tolerance for pain, but I wouldn't want to mess around with broken bones. My 54-year-old brother broke his hip running a marathon ... and finished the marathon. I'm not sure how he did that, or why.
