Sunday, January 21, 2018


It’s time again for
And every day of every year

 This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments.

Black Death spread by humans, vindicating rats – I think this is coming several hundred years late, I suspect rats will seek damages for liable.
Counterfeit cash circulating in 11 states: Here’s how to spot it – Number 1.  Trump is not on the twenty-dollar bill…yet.
People in California face misdemeanor charges for feeding the homeless – I’m sure there is a reason for this law, but there must be a better solution…seems a bit harsh to me.
Traveler arrested at airport for wearing too many clothes – Playboy International has very strict rules.
Michael Douglas preemptively denies masturbation allegations – He’s not blind, but he does wear glasses.
Tom Brady injures throwing hand ahead of AFC Championship – They could Gillooley him and Brady will still be behind center this week and he will still be great…which pisses me off!
New Oregon law says motorists can pump their gas – Oh crap!  If New Jersey does this I’ll be lost.
Rural women having sex earlier than women in the city – City women are more active at night?
Five-foot long tapeworm came 'wiggling out' of man's body after he ate sushi – So, to get rid of a tapeworm, eat sushi.
$6 million in chips stolen in Wynn casino heist – Bet you can’t take just one.
And this week’s gift from Florida:
Man tries to order Taco Bell from drive-thru bank teller, gets arrested for DUI – Apparently the Taco Bell drive-thru clerk didn’t complain when he made a deposit.
Pope Francis marries couple in impromptu ceremony aboard papal plane – I don’t know much about the Pope, but this makes him pretty cool in my book.
Come back again next week for more


  1. Another reason for me to avoid flying, i wear too many clothes (layers and layers) because i get cold so easily.

    Great story about the Pope!

  2. It's illegal to feed the homeless here, too. It's to encourage them to go to shelters.

    Dunno. The ordinance makes less sense than most of your headlines.

  3. I about spit out my coffee when I read this weeks gift from Florida, I try not to order Taco Bell from Taco Bell either.

    I saw the Pope Francis story on our news, that was a really great thing he did for that couple, and something they will always remember.

  4. Didn't Tom Brady sport a walking boot before one super bowl and there was nothing wrong with his foot? Me thinks Belichick is at it again with misdirection.

  5. In California there are laws upon laws and if they don't like federal government laws, they make laws that let you ignore federal laws. We are a special kind of stupid here.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ☺

  6. Floriday seems to be a never ending source of stupidity.....must be something in the water.

  7. Since I spend winters in Florida, I want to let you know that Florida cited people for feeding sandwiches to the homeless last winter. Just don't want California to get more points in the stupid department!

  8. Of course, you can't 100% believe what the headlines say.In regards to California feeding the homeless. This is not a state law. These are either city or county ordinances. However this past summer a church was coming to the park handing out clothing and food. They did this a few times, leaving all the mess for city workers to clean up. Old dirty clothing was thrown in the Sacramento river, along with garbage. The city then revoked their permit. Then the church gets on media and cries like a (Sacramento) river. There's always more than meets the eye and our homeless here are not like homeless in other areas. MOst are former felons, Brown let out of the jails. The good homeless know where to get services and they do not litter or take dumps in the street and sidewalks.

    Anyway,just needed to clear that up.

  9. Heh, heh! The bra and Michael Douglas and those rural women had my 13-year-old self snorting with glee, and hypothesizing whether Tom Brady might have Michael-Douglased his own hand.

  10. We live in a strange and wonderful place.

  11. Oregon CAN pump their own gas???? Hardly any stations have had service for years and years, around here.

  12. i agree with watson
    thanks for smiles Joe!

  13. Tapeworm came wiggling out of a man's body...? I'm not sure I even want to think about that.
