Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Internet Problem

The Internet Problem

Liberals who want Republicans hung by their balls (apparently there are no Republican women),  Conservatives who want all Liberals sent out of the country,  white racists who make horrible comments about black people,  black racists who blame white people for everything,  homophobes, hetero-haters, misogynists, and man haters…Where were all these people before the internet?

We sort of knew they existed, especially the white racists who had no shame in that ancient time before the WWW, but we didn’t really hear from most of the others. 

There was a time when you were held accountable for your hatred.  Sure, you could hate whoever you wanted, but you had to keep it in your own circle, or you might have to face consequences.

The internet allows anonymous haters to spew their crap all over the world while they hide behind their basement computer.  They hide behind clever names: Libtard2000, Trumpdouche101, SFMdr, genderbender52...

If you read the comments on almost any news story, from President Trump playing golf to a fireman rescuing kittens, you will find nothing but hate spewing, name calling, threatening comments back and forth between the worst of the ass-holes the world has to offer.

The internet is the electronic equivalent to road rage.  The chance to vent a little hatred without (most of the time) consequences.  In the case of most news stories it works.  A bunch of A-wipes battle back and forth name calling and threatening each other with bodily harm and the rest of us aren’t really hurt.  Just stay away from internet news story comments.

When it comes to comments on a friendly blog post, it is harder to ignore.  We have a community of people who just want to exchange stories and ideas in an environment that is safe and fun.  Unfortunately, even in this environment, sometimes you cannot keep out stalkers who have an agenda and a bone to pick.

I’ve been sucked into an occasional battle with these people and truth is, it makes me no better than they are.  It is for this reason that I have tried to keep politics and socially sensitive issues out of my posts.  It is impossible to do this 100 percent.  Politics and social issues find a way into almost any conversation.  When this does happen, you can count on the sarcastic, mean spirited, insulting comments to be delivered.

It does not happen too often on my posts, but I will no longer even read comments from known offenders.  If you know who you are, don’t waste your time; your comment will be deleted and unread as soon as I see it…Hands over ears, la, la, la, la, la, Can’t hear you!

If I have been guilty of snarky comments on a position I disagree with, and I think I have; I apologize.

My mom had a philosophy which I heard often and it has only been lately where I realized the simple wisdom of her words.  Whenever it came to an argument, a petty disagreement, or maintaining a relationship with someone you just did not like she would tell me. 

“Life’s too short!” 


  1. "Life's too short" is an excellent adage. I've tried to remember that today, and I'll try in the future, but sometimes I forget and I'm almost always sorry that I did.

  2. Your mother was right. I think social media has caused some of the extremes in opinions we are having. I blocked all politics whether I agreed with them or not on Facebook. What I noticed was the politics of the day did not bother me so bad. I still got my opinions. But opinions won't buy a sack of potatoes.

  3. In the old days, we called them trolls. They would wreck havoc against you if they didn't like you or what you blogged, etc. I was fortunate in that I never had any come to pay a visit. I felt sorry for them; to have that much anger they had to unleash it in such an anonymous way.


  4. Life's too short to spend any of it hating people that's for sure. I don't even read internet news, let alone the comments there. TV news is enough for me and I often ignore that too.

  5. There is a lot going on with the world at the moment. No doubt about that. And life's certainly too short. Greetings to you.

  6. I'm amazed at the number of folks who clearly want to argue. Look at any Top 10 internet list. I guarantee the comment section will be all about how offended people are that their favorites did not make the list!

    More like, Get A Life!

  7. If you want to respectfully disagree with me and have a civil discussion, i am all ears. It can get heated without getting nasty. We can defend our positions without ad hominem arguments. Under those circumstances, we end understanding each other's position better and still friends, even if we continue to disagree.

    The uncivil discussions now just boggle my mind, and i agree, life is too short, i ignore them.

  8. Life is too short indeed. Mom wisdom is always the best. And almost always appreciated in hindsight.

  9. It is indeed 'too short'. Your mom was a wise woman.

  10. Life is too short.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  11. I try not to be taken in by garbage, but once in a while I am taken in by the bait. I'm trying real hard to avoid reacting to the garbage. Garbage is as garbage does - it stinks.

  12. This is why I do not watch or read the news, scroll through my facebook feed, or read youtube comments.

  13. I accept polite snarky, Joe, so if you must, don't worry.

  14. Your mom was a smart woman Joe. You have never said anything to offend me and in my opinion you have no reason to apologize for yours.

    You are 100% correct the WWW is packed full of hatred and I do my best to avoid it. Steering away from politics is something I do also, it does come up and can be discussed civilly but when it can't that is why we have a delete button.

  15. All true, but the only ones who really understand that life is too short are we geezers for whom life really is too short. The ones kicking and screaming and fighting are those who think they are immortal with thousands of tomorrows. Kickers and screamers have their place. They wake up us geezers from our naps and move things along. But do they have to be so rude and vulgar?

  16. Smart Mom. Life is too short and is only shortened by letting haters get to us or to stoop to their level of poo slinging. It's really tough on the arteries. Got my hands over my ears and my delete finger ready.

  17. Your mother was brilliant!!

  18. It's like some people don't think you're entitled to your opinion on you own blog! It's one thing to comment with your own belief, perhaps with a reason for it, and then let it go. But some keep on and on, or use ridicule or name-calling. I guess they think if they seem superior, their opinion is the "correct" one.

  19. I love the 'Delete' button. . .

    If you can't play nice, you're gone. . .

  20. ...electronic equivalent to road rage... <-- I like that comparison!
