Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Eighties

The Eighties
Does anyone remember the eighties?  Were they good times?  Reagan was President, right? Did they have movies, was there music in the eighties?

I often hear a name from the eighties.  I’ve heard the name, I just don’t remember what they did.  I tell people, “Oh, that was in the eighties?  I missed the eighties and lots of the seventies as well.”
See, by 1976 I had three children.  I remember diapers, runny noses, fart jokes, kids in our bed because there was a noise, reading at bed time and falling asleep before my children.  I remember throw-up bowls, broken bones, flu, several pox’s, and whining.
There may have been sex, must have been, but I really don’t remember.
I don’t remember movies, or music.
I remember soccer games, and homework, watching baseball games in the cold, taking a little girl to dance lessons, playing with blocks, trains, and board games “Sorry!”
I do remember TV; it was brought to you by the letter “G”.  I remember Mr. Rodgers, nice man but his soothing manner made me want to drink.  I remember Barney, “With a great big hug and a kiss for you and me, I want to mur-der Barney!”
Did people have fun in the eighties? 
I think I did…sometimes, but I’m not sure.  I know there was almost no money in the eighties, just enough for food and a home, not enough for fun.  I think I did play golf once.  Sucked as I recall.
That’s the thing about children, they kind of put your life on hold.  I missed some of the seventies, and almost all of the eighties.
They’re worth it though, they make the rest of your years so much better. 
Anyway, I hear disco sucked!


  1. I missed a lot of the same time period as you, for much the same reason, and I was drunk part of the time, too.

  2. The early 80s were great! Got married in 1980 and the kids didn't start coming along until later half of 1986. We had a good time in those 6 years. I don't remember the second half of the 80s and the 90s. Gone raising kids. Its fun though to look back at old pictures and see what we did during those times. It just goes by too fast.


  3. By 1976 I had three children also and I remember a few things I watched on TV and some of the music too, I heard a lot of what my kids liked (ABBA) and by 86 onwards they were starting the teen years, there was an extra child by then, and I heard a lot of music then that I liked as much as they did and I still listen to most of it now. Lucky for me, they weren't into sports, so I didn't have to ferry them around which would have to be on the buses since I don't drive.

  4. That's when i was in college and getting married, the kids didn't come along until the nineties. You didn't miss much.

  5. I was a kid in the Eighties. I got into music and movies from earlier eras as quickly as a kid is able to do so. There seems to be a lot of nostalgia right now about the Eighties stuff, but I notice it's mostly from people too young to have had to survive it the first time.

  6. The eighties had the best kids' TV shows, movies, and toys. That's pretty much all I remember, aside from hazy memories of my mother throwing cocaine-fueled parties every weekend and leaving me to fend for myself. By age 5, I was an expert at making her coffee and omelettes for when she eventually recovered from her hangovers.

    Good times.

  7. The 80's was my favorite decade! Best music AND movies ever!

    I missed out on the 90's. My son recently told me he went to a bar with a 90's theme and I honestly couldn't imagine what that would entail!

  8. Same here...the 70's and 80's sort of skimmed by...

  9. My children were born in the eighties so much of it was a blur, I do remember disco sucking though.

  10. Eight??? I remember nothing between college and my daughters' weddings. Did anyone ever find the earring I lost at one of them?

  11. I can't remember what happened yesterday!!

  12. Danced and partied a lot. Ha ha, yes Disco was dreadful. All those falsetto voices eventually drove me to country music.

  13. My experience with the 80's was eerily similar. Everything took a back seat to kids and family. I never regretted a minute of it, though.

  14. I could probably refresh you on the 80s, but I'm lacking the last half of the 90s and most of the 00s. For a lot of the same reasons.

  15. We spent most of 1980 in Mobile after Hurricane Fredrick slammed into Mobile. We'd lived in a trailer from the time we married in 1974 until 1984. I got a job with MaBell and was making enough that we bought our first and only house. We didn't have kids so we spent most of the 1980s having fun. They say I had a great time.

  16. I hear ya. I was your kid during those decades and they were great times. I never felt deprived I just remember appreciating things more. I loved the 70's and 80's. They were the golden years in my book. My parents seemed to love each other, it was the age of innocence, goodness and wonder. I'm a parent in the 2000 and 2010. That doesn't even have a good ring to it. Are they good times? I have no clue. I don't have time to evaluate but I think those days of the 70's and 80's are long gone and I'm sad for that.

  17. Our first child was born in '82. I have virtually no memories of any music or movies from about 1985, into the 2000s. But I was still able to keep track of the sports teams - '84 Tigers, '89-'90 Pistons, '97-'98 Red Wings, 2000 MSU Spartans, etc. . .

  18. I have a similar experience - the 80's are a blur. Little kids, divorce, two jobs to get by...I vaguely remember walls and communism falling and reunification of Germany. I still think I should know more about this decade, but an insane work/life schedule and pre-Internet...well, it's all a bit sketchy.
