Sunday, December 11, 2016


It is time again for
There has to be a catch
Stupid Headline Sunday...on a Monday
This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments. 
Some scientists say time travel is possible – I think this is ridiculous…stupid scientists, so like what, I could go back in time to keep seeing this stupid headline?
Jennifer Lawrence almost killed someone by scratching her butt – Is that a “Bewitched” kinda thing?
Last Tango in Paris' rape scene was not consensual, director Bernardo Bertolucci admits – Could someone please tell me what is “consensual” rape?
Jeep carrying the ashes of the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro broke down and had to be pushed – And those 1941 Willey’s used to be reliable.
Cuba will ban naming of monuments after Fidel – Where does Cuba stand on convertible sofas?
Some scientists say time travel is possible – I think this is ridiculous…stupid scientists, so like what, I could go back in time to keep seeing this stupid headline?
Rare weasel-like mammal makes a comeback in Washington – Please tell me it is not Anthony Weiner.
Mistakenly sold lottery ticket earns couple $1 million – Clerk sold them a computer-generated ticket instead of the numbers they wanted…prediction, the person behind them will sue claiming that should have been their ticket.
Florida woman arrested for refusing to stop twerking – This may sound silly, but she was in a clearly marked “No Twerking Zone.”
Some scientists say time travel is possible – I think this is ridiculous…stupid scientists, so like what, I could go back in time to keep seeing this stupid headline?
Meteorologist Called Out for Sexy Dress - And Told to Cover Up — on Live TV – The climate was not right for the station which received a flurry of calls raining in that objected to her warm front display.  These complaints supplied the pressure to demand a cover up.
Suspect foiled by 90-year-old Holocaust survivor arrested – Hmmm, if the comma goes after “old” this is a stupid headline, if it goes after “suspect” and “survivor” it gives me a smile.
Beaver wreaks havoc at dollar store – Ward is pissed, but Beaver claims it is all Eddie Haskell’s fault.
Texas Lowe's hires disabled veteran and his service dog –
 Charlotte, a 10-year-old golden retriever, is trained to help her companion Clay Luthy, a former C-130 loadmaster in the U.S. Air Force, if he falls. Due to knee injuries, Luthy has undergone five surgeries and can’t bend his left knee at all.
Come Back Next Week For More


  1. Just say no to time travel! Seeing some of these people in the news once is plenty. Of course, seeing your blog over and over is a good reason to smile.

  2. Do the scientists who think it's possible also do well at the horse track?

  3. Yes! Let's hire veterans and give them all they need to succeed. If that was my Lowe's, I'd stop by just to see Charlotte!

  4. I love your commentary on the headlines.

    And the feelgood one is awesome! :-)

  5. So, what I want to know is, whose butt did JLaw scratch? And did she draw blood?

    And I was thinking, it's always Eddie Haskell's fault; Eddie was such a weasel. . . hey, wait a minute. . .

  6. I need to go back in time and read this again for the first time.

  7. Love the time travel one too. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    I linked this post to Silly Sunday.

    Have a terrific day Cranky. ☺

  8. Think I'd like that time travel thing - there are a few people I'd like to punch and get out of Dodge quickly.

    Too bad after 5 surgeries they couldn't give him an artificial knee. (In this day and age of 'modern' science.) Nice that he has a service dog and a job!

  9. Does time travel only go one way? I'd like to check out the future just to be sure there is one.
    Amen to Lowes. A class store.

  10. Did you know that some scientists say time travel is possible?

  11. Wait! That lottery ticket headline? It seems like I was that person in line just the other day, when a guy jumped ahead of me and bought a ticket. Am I time-traveling?

  12. After the Fidel Castro jokes, I couldn't see anything else. LMAO. Thanks!

  13. Where do you get these freaking headlines ? Too funny.
