Saturday, December 10, 2016



Stupid Headline Sunday is postponed till Monday. 

Today is the six anniversary of wedded bliss to Mrs. Cranky.  I looked it up, and the six year is for iron.  Cranky don’t do ironing, so instead I will make it the year of the blog post.

We were married on 12-11-10.  Mrs. C is a nut on numbers and she wanted a day I wouldn’t forget.  I have not forgotten, though some well-placed reminders have helped. 

Many readers know that Mrs. C often calls me a jerk.  She also often calls me an ass.  One might get from this name calling that Mrs. C is either not a very nice person or that I am in fact a jerk or an ass.  The truth is that Mrs. C is a very nice person and I am neither a jerk or an ass…all the time.

This is my third time around.  I sometimes kid Mrs. C and call her “The Good Wife.”

I often make fun of Mrs. C in this blog.  Some people think I am living dangerously doing that.  Not true.  Mrs. C rarely reads my posts.  Even if she did she would not be offended or at least she should not be offended because she knows that I am grateful for the whole package, occasional quirkiness and all.

I am getting to be an old person.  I am 70 years old (please don’t ever say 70 years’ young…I hate that) and I must say that stiff joints, aching back and all, these last six years have been the best years of my life.  We laugh all the time.  We are affectionate (children and grand-children hold your ears and go la la la la la).  We almost never fight and when we do it is never for long or very serious. 

I often lament that we should have been matched up earlier.  Mrs. C reminds me that if we were I would have been arrested for child molestation.  She does have a point.  Fortunately, she is currently old enough for me to molest.

It has been six wonderful years.  We spend much time together watching TV while we tap tap on our computers.  We go out to eat a lot.  We take vacations.  We also respect each other’s alone time.  Golf, bowling, and guitar in the basement for me.  Dancing, massages, lunches with friends and work for Mrs. C; but the best time for me is any time we are together.

I don’t like getting old, but if I can grow old with Mrs. C, I have no complaints.

Happy Anniversary Karen.  You are “The Good Wife”, and I love you.


  1. Awww... Happy Anniversary, you two. :)

  2. Happy Anniversary to the two of you!!! So sweet to read. I do hope she reads this post of yours. Took 3 times, but I think you finally got it right! To many good years together!


  3. Awww what a lovely, lovely post. Congratulations on finding each other and being so happy. 3rd time lucky sure applies in your case.

  4. Happy Anniversary!!
    I like the way you two love each other.
    I agree, seventy years young sounds ridiculous, seventy is only young in a universe where people live to be 500.

  5. Happy Anniversary to you and Mrs C! Hope you have many more.

  6. Happy Anniversary and best wishes to both of you for a wonderful, long life together.

  7. Aww, that is so sweet. I hope she does read this post. Happy Anniversary and many more.

  8. That is fantastic, Joe!!! Happy Anniversary! Very happy that you found each other.

  9. Happy Anniversary to you both! I hope you have something fun planned for the evening.
    I agree, 70 is not young, it's the pits, but, hey, Kirk Douglas is 100 and seems happy enough!

  10. ♪♪Happy Anniversary to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Anniversary to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Anniversary Dear Joe and Karen, ♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Anniversary to you.♪♪

  11. That is a beautiful post. Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Crankypants. May you have many many more wonderful years together. And, while 70 is not young it is not all that old either..look at Mick Jagger...a father again. Sheesh.

  12. I thought third marriages were supposed to be doomed from the get-go? Thankfully for us both that is NOT necessarily true. Happy anniversary to you and Karen. :)

  13. Oh, this is so sweet. I may have gotten a little teary eyed.. Happy Anniversary to you both and many, many more. What a wonderful post.

  14. How nice to witness your softer side. Happy Anniversary and wishing you many more.

  15. Regarding that "la-la-la" stuff, be reminded that 73 year old great-grandfather Mick Jagger's wife gave birth to his 8th child this week!

  16. Lovely; congratulations!!

  17. Good one Joe. Happy anniversary to you two.

  18. Awww, I knew there was a softy under that Cranky image. So glad you found eachother but this post takes a lot of the effect out of future "jerk" labels. Now we know it is just a term of endearment. Happy anniversary.

  19. The Good Wife, sweet. Happy Anniversary to both of you.

  20. I have read it & I did get teary eyed. Thank You!
    Love you too Joe! There was a reason we met, I think we saved each other ...
    I've told Joe he needs to live to be 90 so we can hit our 25th anniversary. I hit (technically) 24 my 1st time around & he came close with his 1st. check back in 19 yrs ...
    Thanks everyone! Karen

  21. Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Cranky!

    You two are good for each other. (And this union has produced some very fine blog posts.)

  22. That is so sweet! I wouldn't be surprised if she had a special treat waiting for you under a towel. Maybe even on the kitchen counter...

  23. Nice. Congratulations, Joeh. Glad for you.


  24. Here you go, getting all sweet and mushy on us, chipping away on that "cranky jerk ass" image you've been crafting!

    Happy anniversary to you and Karen!

  25. That's proper romance Joe! I often tell SD that he should have come and got me sooner - he tells me he was too busy :-)

  26. Happy Anniversary to you and Mrs. Cranky! Glad you were matched up, and glad it was at the right time to keep you out of prison. :-)

  27. Happy Anniversary! I was happily married for 23 years to the most wonderful man until he passed away 11 years ago. He was 21 years older than me. It never once bothered us. I was his second wife and he used to say "2nd time is the charm". I wish you all of that kind of happiness that we had. Cherish. You finally got it right. Every day is a gift.

  28. Belated congrats!! That is awesome
