Wednesday, September 9, 2015

“The Walter.”

Third Annual Presentation of

“The Walter.”

Because, unlike Suldog, I believe there cannot be enough blog awards, I have added my own.  It is named after Jeff Dunham’s hysterical cranky old man puppet, “Walter.”

This award recognizes those bloggers who post consistent (2 days a week or more) original, humorous, thought provoking material, and or anyone I damn well feel like awarding it to.

To accept this award you need only grab it from above, and display it on your blog.  (I assume no responsibility if it is stolen copy written material)

There are no questions to answer.

If you want to see previous year’s winners you can find them here:

 The part of this process I don’t like is leaving out so many great bloggers.  I follow lots of bloggers, I like all the blogs that I follow and I read all the posts; so if I follow, know you have received an Honorable Mention Walter, also, there is always next year!

Without further ado and in no particular order, I present this year’s winners of “THE WALTER”

This year’s first WALTER goes to:

Old Air Force Sarge @   The Sarge and his regular guest posters offer a variety of pictures, stories and opinions.  If you love planes and military stuff you can spend hours on his posts.  If planes don't interest you, come back anyway, there is always other good stuff.

This year’s second Walter goes to:

Murr @ Someone might need to tell her she has won a Walter, I’m not sure she stops by Cranky Old Man very often.  Murr has a great writing style, she has a way of tying nature into everyday life and…oh hell, just check her out, she is very talented.

The third Walter goes to:

TexWisGrl @ TexWisGrl has recently cut back on her posts apparently in favor of earning a salary, but she still posts weekly, she has primarily a photo blog and it is a very good one!

That is it for this year’s awards.  Check out the winners, congratulate them, and enjoy their posts!


  1. Congratulations to the winners, As a past recipient of this prestigious award, I can only hope you treasure it as much as I do.

  2. Cute award! Congrats to this year's winners! will check out their blogs soon :)


  3. I love Walter. He's a hoot.

    Congratulations to the winners.

    Have a fabulous day Joe. ☺

  4. 'Tis touched, honored and humbled we are.

    (Now I need to put that award up! Also have a post about it! So much to do, so much to do!)

  5. I appreciate the plug (and also that you didn't give the award to me. I wouldn't qualify, anyway, as my blogging has dropped off precipitously due to my being an ungrateful and lazy slug.) The Old AF Sarge is a wonderful choice, though. I'll have to check out the others!

    1. You forgot to warn Joe about what you do when you receive awards, Sully.

    2. Oh, I think he knows. That's why he didn't give it to me! I mean, what other reason could there be? :-)

  6. I'd like to add my agreement to Murr, she's a talented writer, reminds me of some of the New Yorker humorists of days past. Plus, she at times makes me look like a centrist politically.

  7. Sarge is #1 in my book, too.
    Now I gotta check out the others.

  8. It's nice to hear some good recommendations.

  9. oh, wow!!! totally unexpected, cranky! i am really missing in action in blogland these days (yeah, thanks to that necessary salary thing). i feel like such a flunky as i'm just not able to keep up. you're a prince for awarding me!

  10. Cool idea. I all ready visit Murr for a good laugh. Will check out the others.

  11. Congratulations to the winners and thank you for some recommendations! I'll have to go and check them out.

  12. Good job buddy. The Texas WisGirl is amazing. She's everywhere. I'll check out these other folks too.

  13. Congrats to the winners! I tip my hat, and click together the heels of my Crocs for them.

  14. Congrats to the winners. May I suggest you need another Jeff Dunham-inspired award? The Dead Terrorist Award...."I kill you!" ;)

  15. Congratulations to all winners. I love Murr's blog, it's one of the first blogs I read each day. I know she doesn't post every day, but her words are always worth a second read.

  16. I just came to visit from TEX's blog...she is very deserving of any accolade!!! Always.

  17. Just saw Walter at TexWisGrl's blog and came to see what that was all about. Nice to meet you, now off to visit the others who are new to me, also.

  18. I love TexWisGirl's blog, and despite not being a poetry person, she leaves some of the best comments at my place. "You're a mess!" she says. Who else would yell me?!

    1. tell me, that should be. T does not yell; it would startle the ducks!
