Sunday, January 6, 2013



Picture of actual hilarious stupid headline involving a tuxedo and poop is not displayed due to a problem with Blogger.  Use your imagination:



Here are this Sunday’s headlines of the week and my stupid, sophomoric and sometimes offensive comments


Florida pilot spots theft at own house while flying planeIt might be easier and cheaper to subscribe to “Guardian” protection service.

Masked gunmen hit Apple store in Paris in $1 million New Year's Eve robbery –
That is a lot of Pommes.

John Boehner Told Harry Reid 'Go F--- Yourself Outside the Oval Office – That is just wrong!  Show some respect, no one should F themselves anywhere in the White House.

Florida prison health workers get pink slips Prisoners are excited over workers in new slips.

Being overweight may increase odds of living longer – Of course, people that have major health problems leading to death tend to lose a lot of weight so…

US reportedly tested secret 'tsunami bomb' off New Zealand coast – If it remained a secret, I am going to guess that it didn’t work.

Michael Moore resolves to stop saying 'I support the troops' in 2013 – I resolve to stop saying “It is what it is,” and “That being said…”

Request for ketchup on a Philly cheesesteak, leads to fight in Subway shop – Florida Subway shop does not have ketchup?  What kind of barbarians are they in Florida?

Ariz. divorce case hits snag after marriage's validity questioned because husband gave birthNow there is a headline I thought I would never see.

Wisconsin man accused of beating woman over Christmas gift – Over a table, on a bench, over a Christmas gift, what’s the difference where, beating a woman is still just wrong.

Lance Armstrong may admit he used banned drugs – At last, the real dope on dope’s dope dabbling.

Pelosi defends decision to alter congressional class photo – “Some of the ladies had a few snorts, and were doing that ‘Bunny Ear’ thing.”


I know…not so good this week…sorry.


  1. "Florida prison health workers get pink slips – Prisoners are excited over workers in new slips."

    I'm getting a visual....and it's hilarious!


  2. "I know…not so good this week…sorry."
    WRONG!! They are FUNNY!!

  3. OMGosh your Sunday headlines are always funny!

  4. Thanks for telling us the real truth. It is what it is. That being said, I'm resolving not to listen to anyone who even mentions a fiscal cliff. Get over yourselves, Washington D.C. At the end of the day it's not rocket science. Believe you me.

  5. So now I'm to believe I'll live longer because I'm overweight? I wish they'd make up their minds. This isn't helping my diet.

  6. I can just see the prison workers in pink slips Ha Ha

  7. I just love some of the ridiculous headlines that make it into print, and you've picked some winners. A friend sent me one from a Canadian paper that says, "Marijuana Issue Goes to Joint Committee."

  8. Always one of my favorite post of yours! I always feel so much smarter after these. :)
