Saturday, January 5, 2013


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I have a handicap wich I wish would get some sort of official recognision.   I can not spell.  I spell words how they sound to me.  I also pronounce words incorrectly and this exasserbates my spelling problems.  I wish I could claim an official disability like dickslexia, but I can not.  If it were not for spell check I would not be able to blog at all.  For this post I have turned off spell check just to make a point.

There is no spell check on Facebook or on comment dialog boxes.  Because of this I often withhold comments and stay out of discussions because my poor spelling always illicits responses like, “You dumb jerk you can’t even spell why should anyone give any credability too your opinions?

Why is being a gud speller sew dam impotant?

Lots of people had trouble driving  cars.  They invented automatic transmissions.  Lots of people had trouble with computers.  They invented the “Geek Squad.”  People hate manual labor, we allow illegal immigrants.  People can’t cook, we have take out. 

Why can’t someone invent fail safe spell check on everything?

My sister-in-law, Judy, has never misspelled a word in her entire life.  Does that make her smart?  Ok that is a really bad example.  Hitler was renouned as an excellent speller; did that make him a good person?  Einstein was a lousey speller.  Did you know that “Energy equals Mass times the velocity of light squared” is really spelled E=msea2?  Does that make Einstein stupid? I thimk knot!

In today’s world, fat people are excused…they have a matabulism problem.  People with bad grammer are excused…they come from a disadvantaged family.  Drug abusers and alchoholics get a pass…it is an addiction…poor thing, send him to rehabilitation. 

Everyone with a problem these days has an excuse and is forgiven; everyone except poor spellers.  No body walks up to a fat person and slaps a donut out of their hand.  People never laugh at someone with a birth defect.  Even people with bad higene are simply pitied.  Why is it OK for someone to say, “You dumb jerk…you can’t even spell?”

It is just not fare!



  1. Gud points yew mak, Kranke. My problum is even if I no how to spel a wurd my fingers wont hit the rite kees, so it looks lik I cant spel even if I can. Lif just isn't fare, is it?


  2. The 11 year old was working a cross word puzzle recently and was stuck, stuck, stuck on a chess piece. I looked at it and said pawn. Pon? That won't fit.

  3. Sorry about the spelling, Cranky, but you know, as long as the first and last letter of a word are in its correct place, people can read your words. With all the texting lingo these days, whose to say you don't spell right, anyway?

  4. I think spelling is something that some people just can do and some people just can't, so you won't get any "you dumb jerk" from me.

  5. Totally loved this! I am a fairly decent speller, but I love wordcheck and so agree, why isn't is just automatic like on our phones? I often post comments only to see that my fingers rebelled and entered something totally different from what I think I told them to say! ugh, it makes me look and feel stupid, so you have my sympathies!

  6. I totally google words before posting comments... I'm a cheater.

  7. *chooses to never let her daughter read this post* ;-p

    Yesterday, I explained to her that spelling is important because it ensures that the message you have written is the same as the one the reader is understanding.
    That spelling is important as it shows you worked hard at school and will work hard at your job.
    Mostly... spelling is important because her mother has synesthesia and when you spell a word wrong the colours of the letters are not what Mama expects and it's confusing. *cheeky grin*

    But hey, you've retired, right?
    And you are getting your message across.

  8. Secinsitts hvae decoviserd taht smoe of us are albe to raed Eignlsh eevn wehn the ltreets are in the worng odrer as lnog as the frsit & lsat ltteers are in the rhgit pcale. It is eiesar for wmeon tahn men.

    Does this clear up your problem?

  9. I used to teach and used to be an excellent speller. My typing skills and memory skills have dwindled and I frequently have to look up a work because it just doesn't look right as I had typed it. You can right click on a word in Windows and it should give you a pop up window with choices for words that are spelled correctly and close to the word you have mis-typed. I did not read the prior comments so don't know if someone suggested that already. We value communication and try to avoid misunderstanding and that might be one reason we are so harsh on spelling errors. We also tend to assume the spelling errors are due to laziness. Neither is true, but that is the way life is.

  10. I'm not too terrible of a speller but I don't judge. I'm with ana too - I google spell check ALL THE TIME - just in case! :)

  11. I'm a dreadful speller and never post a thing without having Mrs. C. read it first. She can properly spell words she's never heard before and whose definition she doesn't even know. I guess it's a gift.

  12. I too used to teach and was often amused by my student's inability to spell. I remember one day telling my class they could go to a 'porn' site and gave them the URL The look on their faces when they got there was priceless.

  13. YEAH! Peeple who wood not kick the crutch away from a crippel still snear at peeple who can't get along without spell chick. Pour Spellers UNTIE!

  14. HAHA! Crazeeee! Bits of that were tricky for me to read... nice confession. Very clever how you admit to being not-so-clever in a cunningly clever fashion. Fab stuff!

  15. When I was ten I carefully wrote 'selling' on the front of my spelling book - I've never really recovered from that ...

  16. Hahaha! Spell check makes us lazy anyway. I have always been the BEST SPELLER, but due to spell check and auto correct my brain is starting to seize and I get lazy. My spelling ain't what it used to be
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

  17. People hate manual labor, we allow illegal immigrants - Ha I just about fell off my seat laughing!!

  18. Thanks as ever for the chuckle!

  19. My step father is just like you, and spells everything how it sounds too. But we love him anyway. It's just a matter of being accepting, which a lot of people aren't, obviously.

  20. Love this. Keeping it short in case I make a spelling mistake.

  21. Hahaha! Oh god I am crying from larfter...
    Spelling is just a plot by.the powers that be to controll our moinds and oppress the peeeeple! Excuuuse moi as I go and put my tin fool hat back on, the aliens are trying to contact moi againnnn.

  22. Actually FB does have spell checker. Just sayin'...:)
