Thursday, October 18, 2012


Frog - Will Pipe For Food!

Some of my readers may not know who Frog is.  Frog is my oldest friend (after ‘Asshead Widmer’) going back to High School.  We went to college together and somehow through the years have managed to stay in touch and get together several times a year.

Frog is a Wilfred Brimley look alike.  He is a big time hunter, fly-fishing outdoorsman.  He is a big time history buff who is a part time college professor.  True to his Scotch-Dutch heritage Frog has deep pockets and very short arms.  Frog played a mean five strung banjo before he shaved off part of his fret fingers on a table saw.  Frog quit his onetime hobby of furniture making and sold his table saw.  Frog threw away the banjo and took up playing the bagpipes.  If you visit Frog, try not to bring up anything to do with music in general and bagpipes in particular.  He has bagpipes and he is not afraid to use them.

Frog, like many older members of the baby boomer generation hates technology.  He only grudgingly uses a computer.  He never answers his cell phone, it is generally powered down. 

“I only have it for emergencies!”

Several years ago, Frog asked me to buy an assortment of wine and booze to deliver as a Christmas present to a lawyer friend of his who did him a major favor.  This lawyer lives one town over from me.  I suggested that Frog go on line and join a wine of the month club for his friend.  With that gift, his friend would get his thanks every month (and I would be spared the inconvenience of shopping and delivering for him.)  Frog’s response, “I’m not contributing to some gimmicky on-line millionaire!” 

Frog hates technology. 

Frog doesn’t open his email more than once a week. 

Frog hates technology.

Last week I received a photo from Alabama.  It was Frog at an Alabama (his post grad alma mater) football game.  The picture came from FROG!  He texted a photo to me!  He then texted several more photos from this game.

I am worried about Frog.    

Today I sent an email to Frog.  He responded in less than a minute. 

I am worried about Frog. 

I called to ask if he was feeling OK. 

“Yes, why?”

“Well you texted a photo to me last week, and now you responded to an email within one minute.”

“Yeah, Alexander (son-of-frog) showed me how to text pictures.  Pretty cool right? And I just happened to be on the computer when you sent me that email.”


I am worried about Frog.


  1. When people like Frog start acting normal, it's TIME to worry! I don't think it will ever happen to me--or you!!

  2. So from this I take there might be hope for me, too? :)


  3. We're all worried about you L+S. Do you not even read your own blog?

  4. It is a little scary when old dogs learn new tricks.

  5. Read my own blog? Why would I do that? I already know what it says. DUH!


  6. Don't worry about Frog until you start receiving texts.

    One can never know too many bagpipe players! I have a personal favorite, a young man who is a fireman.

  7. Maybe it's time for an intervention for Frog?

  8. Wandered over to say thank you for your comment on Bizarre Scribble and i hope to hear from you in the future. Who says you can't teach old dogs new tricks, good on ya Frog.

  9. Next thing you know he'll be ordering his groceries, paying his bills, heck perhaps even chatting online!

    Maybe it's a sign of the apocalypse?

  10. You may have to keep an eye on Frog, next thing you know he may be virtual farming.

  11. I think you liked that fact that he wasn't so sucked in like the rest of society.
