Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Some great pictures of a squirrel over at “run-a-roundranch” reminded me of a story from several years ago when I was still a 7 AM train commuter to NYC.


My home was about one block from the train station and a 40 minute ride to work.  We lived in the suburbs just off of Main Street in the tiny New Jersey town of Metuchen.  There is not a lot of wild life in this town.  There was a bear in a tree which caused quite a stir one year, but basically the local animals are squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits.

The squirrels seemed to have a pretty good life.  I enjoyed watching them chase each other around a tree, gather acorns, and in general just live the good life.  With their tails wagging and chirping happily, I often was jealous of the happy-go-lucky easy squirrel lifestyle.

One morning, on my way to the train, I stopped to watch two squirrels playing around a large tree trunk in my back yard.  I was not looking forward to another commute and another day of taking crap from a boss who might have been classified as a moron if such classifications existed.

“Not so bad being a squirrel” I thought as I dragged my way toward the train station.  Then at the moment that thought crossed my brain, a huge hawk swooped silently out of the sky, talons flared, and less than a yard from my head.  He was headed straight for the tree trunk and one of those happy-go-lucky squirrels.

Caught by surprise I raised my arms in alarm and shrieked a loud "WTF!"  My movement threw the hawk off his game and he pulled out of his attack dive missing the squirrel by less than a foot.

The hawk sailed up to a nearby branch and glared at me with a “Dude, I gotta eat too” kind of look in his rapture eyes.  We shared glances for several seconds and the squirrels alertly scampered away to a safer location.  The hawk was pissed and the squirrels seemed not quite so happy-go-lucky.

I continued on my way to the train station feeling a whole lot better about being stuck with this humdrum human existence of mine.   


  1. I guess the grass isn't always greener - it just sometimes looks that way.

  2. I need some one to keep all those annoying paparazzi away--will you be my bodyguard?

  3. I'd never seen a squirrel until we moved to the east coast. So happy you were able to save those two little creatures...I know they're rodents, but they're still cute!

  4. Would that be the same hawk that went next door and ate your neighbours chickens on that day? LoL!

  5. It is a regular hawk eat squirrel world.

  6. Awww you saved little squirrels. Wanna come over to this area we are flooded with them because visitors like to feed them in the parks. Our squirrels have gang colors on and smoke cigarettes. They don't beg sweetly for their peanuts but slap you and take them.

  7. It always seems as if the other guy has it easier than you until you walk a few miles in his...squirrel tail?

  8. Sometimes it just takes a little change in perspective to make life look better.

  9. Personally, I want to come back as my cat. Sleeping all day in the sunbeam that comes through the window, unlimited chin scratching, all the chicken she can eat. Sounds like the life for me!

  10. Yes Sir the hunt and kill in nature is a necessary thing but that doesn't mean we have to participate, Good to see the squirrel get away once in a while.

  11. I grew up in England and we had squirrels in the tress at the end of our garden. It was amazing watching them running about. They used to throw acorns at our cat!

  12. I feel sorry for the hawk & the squirrel. Tis a pity that such is life...

  13. It can be the little incidences that can help you not only put things in perspective, but give you that push to change things that you don't like so much in your life.
    The Circle of Life is a fascinating thing.

  14. Lessons are all around us! I could do with a few grass ain't always greener story reminders from time to time!

  15. Great analogy. Add to that the fact you were a squirrel superhero and you've definitely come out on top!
