Tuesday, January 17, 2012



There is a fine line between being pussey-whipped and being abused.
Most guys will tell their friends, that they do whatever they want in a relationship and still get laid on a regular basis.  Most guys will lie to their friends.  Most friends know they are lying.  It is all part of the code.

If in fact you do whatever you want in a relationship and still get laid on a regular basis then you are probably an abuser.

If you do whatever your wife tells you and do not get laid on a regular basis, you are not pussey-whipped, you are being abused.

If you do whatever your wife tells you and get laid on a regular basis are you pussey-whipped?  Hell yes and who cares?  You are getting laid on a regular basis!

Guys need three things to be content; food, shelter, and to get laid on a regular basis.  Whatever (legal of course) it takes to get these three things is perfectly acceptable to any man, as long as he can still lie to his friends about much of what he does.

The ideal relationship of course is one of give and take.  Your wife needs to spend some time with just the girls; you should have occasional time with just the guys.  Your wife needs to watch girly shows on the TV, fine, as long as you can watch football on Sunday and Monday night. 
However, as long as you have food, shelter, and are getting laid on a regular basis that is compromise enough.  Is that being pussey-whipped?  It is the definition of being P-whipped, who cares – YOU ARE GETTING LAID ON A REGULAR BASIS! 

Single guys will take a lady to a fancy expensive restaurant, bring her flowers and chocolate, dress up to the nines, polish their shoes, be the total gentleman all night, and miss a crucial game on TV, all on the off-chance of getting laid.  They never consider this as being pussey-whipped.
If I do the dishes, fold the laundry and watch a “Say Yes to the Dress” marathon knowing I will get laid that night (of course I never do these things), these same single guys who only hope to get lucky will call me pussey-whipped.   So be it.  As long as I GET LAID ON A REGULAR BASIS!

The above is of course only a fictitious example of what some married men will do.  It bears no resemblance to my own relationship in which of course I completely rule the roost.  Right Mrs. Cranky? Right? Right?  Hello!


  1. Now you see, if ALL guys knew the rules then we would all live in total harmony and everyone would get laid on a regular basis.

  2. Cranky - what happens when a woman wants to get laid and the man can't/won't oblige?......lmao

    OK Ok I know it never happens...

    Yet another inspiring look into the life of Cranky - wouldn't I like to be a fly on the wall in your home.....well actually on this subject 'no' I wouldn't, but you get the picture........lmao

    Lou :-)


  3. OK I just pictured you sitting on the couch watching say Yes to the dress marathon and almost peed my pants. Rock on Cranky

  4. okay, mrs cranky here. mr cranky says: If I do the dishes, fold the laundry and watch a “Say Yes to the Dress” marathon knowing I will get laid that night.
    the truth is:
    he doesn't do the dishes but he does load the dishwasher and i've learned to just leave the silverware however he puts it in.
    he does fold the clothes but he is a sucky folder. and yes, we do watch say yes to the dress but we watch it sitting in bed while playing computer games and writing blogs. he pretends he's not watching but don't believe him.
    and a special note to lou, he's 65 i'm 51 lets just say I don't get laid as regularly as I should! you called that one. i make him feel guilty but we both do okay!

  5. Men are really such simple creatures. I love that about you guys! Rarely do I ever hear of a divorce happening where the guy has been "getting laid" on a regular basis (by the wife, of course) because when that's happening, all is well in his world...and IF that is happening, all must be well in her world, too....because if it weren't, he would NOT be getting laid on a regular basis (by the wife, of course) It's the Circle of Life for marriage.
