Saturday, September 28, 2024

Blogging In The Wind


Blogging In The Wind


I thought I had quit this blog thing as the venue has mostly gone the way of the eight-track tape, CDs, and DVDs, but sometimes I just have to vent, even if it reaches no one.

Mrs. C does not wear make-up, she does not like ear-rings.  She loves rings, and has one for each finger, thumb, and occasional toe.  She does wear  bracelets and on rare occasions, a necklace.

We had one such occasion the other day, the baptism of Charlie, my six grandchild. 

Dressed to the nines, Mrs. C commented,

“This outfit would really look nice with a necklace.”

Now, I have given Mrs. C several nice necklaces over the years, nothing extravagant given my love affair with a dollar, but nice.

“Why not one of the necklaces I gave you?”

“That would be perfect, but I can’t find them.”

“You lost the necklaces?”

“Not lost, I just can’t find them.”

“That is the very definition of lost!”

Now here comes the Mrs. C statement that forced me back to the key- board.  I suspect those with She/Her/Hers pronouns will understand it, but He/Him/His pronouns will be scratching their heads along with me.

Said with attitude,

“I didn’t lose them; I just hid them where they wouldn’t be stolen!”

“Or found!”

“You’re a jerk!”



  1. Female logic occasionally leaves something to be desired...

  2. I understand Mrs. C perfectly. I also have some things that are very safe from burglars!

  3. Read the clues Cranky. Time for a new necklace. 😁 i don't wear jewelry except my wedding rink so I don't lose anything keeping it safe.

  4. I totally get Mrs. C. I have a ring that was my Grandmothers that my Mom gave me many years ago. I know I have it. I swear I have it. It's safe from any thief, or me apparently.

  5. I understand both of you. I have hidden things so they wouldn't get stolen too, but only when I would be away from home more than a day or two and I get them out again when I get home.

  6. Karen is always right Joe and she will remember that special place…

  7. this reminds me days ( eight years ago almost) when i was quite forgetful and whenever hubby would give me something to keep safely it was safest enough so no one was able to find it lol
    i loved your blogging
