Wednesday, February 14, 2024




Happy Valentines Day, or as some call it, Hallmark Holiday Scam Day.

Today, Mrs. C out did herself.  Generally, for any card giving occasion, Mrs. C gets me two cards.  One is comical, the other mushy.  Today she outdid herself and I got two comicals and a mushy.

This is totally unnecessary.  

Given my relationship history, a simple posted note saying, “I don’t expect to be leaving you in the immediate future!” would make my day.

Instead, she spent $21 on cards (Used to be $3.99 a card, but I made the mistake of checking the current price on the back of the cards… yikes!) instead of said sticky note.

I mean it’s her money so…

In addition to the cards, she also managed to find a copy of the High School English writing book that I recently found out was using a Cranky Old Man blog as a homework assignment.  It must have taken an extra effort to find a used copy as it is not available new.

Very cool; thanks Mrs. C. 

                                                     The Book

The Blog

                                                                The Homework assignment


As someone who hated homework assignments I am delighted to have become one.

In exchange, I got Mrs. C ONE mushy card, and a box of candy.

I got a Russell Stover assortment.  I once got her a Whitman's Sampler and found out the Whitman's was a trigger from a past bad Valentines Day.  I have been instructed to always get Russell Stover (RS for right stuff) and not Whitman's Sampler (WS for wrong stuff).  RS/WS, Mrs. C’s instructions insure even I get it correct.

We also have reservations to a Fancy Smancy restaurant tonight, that should at least equal extra two cards if not the thoughtful book.

Happy Valentines Day Mrs. C. and thanks for not planning to leave me in the near future! (As far as I know anyway.)



  1. I knew I liked that girl! Russell Stover all the way!!!

  2. I think you're stuck with me. you wont be getting a post it that says, i'm sorry, i can't, don't hate me ...

  3. You're famous! In a homework book anyway. Very nice of Mrs C to track down that book for you.

  4. The best part of Mrs C's gift is your homework book. Such a personal touch. Your RS candy and the Fancy Shmancy restaurant should level the playing field.

  5. Aww! That gal is a keeper for sure! What thoughtful gifts. I know many folks bash this holiday but any day that celebrates love can't be all bad. Good for the economy anyway! I do decorate and celebrate this day so Happy VD to you both and no way will she be leaving you....not until the candy is gone anyway! super cool to be in a book! Love that!

  6. hats off to Mrs C !
    what she did for you on valentine's day makes me over look all your whining about her :)
    not just cards but also she got you best gift ever (my opinion) the english work book that holds your blog Wow that is IMPRESSIVE !!!
    i totally agree with you on avoiding cards and just genuine expressions directly ,they surly have more beauty and divinity :)
