Tuesday, July 18, 2023

I Thought I was Just Joking


I Thought I was Just Joking

Years ago, I posted about an issue I had with climate change. 

I envisioned a situation where a country could devise a way to control the climate.  It sounded like a wonderful pipe dream until I gave it more thought.

Have you ever lived in a home with sleeping quarters on two floors?  Invariably on really hot nights there is a thermostat battle.

Because hot air rises the upstairs is always sweltering in the summer, so upstairs residents will lower the air conditioner at night.  The lower temperature starts to freeze out the lower floor sleepers so they clomp out in the middle of the night and raise the temperature.  This back and forth thermostat battle can go on all night and no one gets any sleep.

If we we could control the planets climate, would we experience the same thermostat battle?

Would the world thermostat controller decide that the Winter was too cold and raise the temperature, only to find those countries that rely on colder temperatures would complain.

“Hey, what the Hell, we need snow for our ski resorts!”

If they had also developed a climate control machine would they drop the temperature right back?

“Hey, turn it up, our fruit crops are frosted and dying!”

You see the problem don’t you.

To me years ago it was just a semi-humorous concept of trying to make everyone happy with the Earth’s climate.

Well, I just read an article about our current administration considering flooding the atmosphere with tiny particles much like that of a volcano eruption to defect the sun’s rays and stop global warming.

Would we be able to do this in a way that only effects our country?

Who would decide on how much to reduce the sun’s rays? Do all the countries get a vote? Are the votes weighted based on population? Would there be any adverse effects with such an experiment?

What could possibly go wrong?






  1. "What could possibly go wrong?" Oh boy. If I earned a dollar for every time those words were uttered, anywhere by anyone, I'd be richer than Father Christmas.

  2. A premise similar to how we need to worry about our cattle farting too much methane, yet China can pump coal dust into the atmosphere till the cows come home.

  3. It's a scary thought, what could go wrong. And are we even capable of controlling the whole process, making sure it doesn't go out of control? Probably not.

  4. Maybe it wasn't cocaine found in the White House just tiny particles that were going to be put into the air!

  5. The only things I want government to do are lock up violent criminals and defend our borders. They seem to have problems with both of those tasks, so why in hell am I going to trust them with anything else?

  6. Comments from SFM deleted unread as I assume they were nasty...plus he is an ass-hat...lol

  7. Debby has left a new comment on your post "I Thought I was Just Joking":

    The whole climate issue BURNS my butt. Plus all aspects of it creeps into our daily lives and I'm not talking about the summer temperatures - how often I hear people comment how the weather is crazy. It's not crazy. It's summer. We have heat waves. Nothing is new really under the sun except for all these so called experts, scamming the whole world. If it is not climate it's everything else that is going on. I'm sick of it.
    From Debbie accidentally deleted while deleting another unread comment from my stalker SFM who says I am boring yet keeps reading to say nasty crap...keep it up dick head, knock your puny self out.

  8. i liked the idea of climate control if it does not make things worst as side effects dear Joe !
    always in thoughts and prays you and mrs C !
