Saturday, June 10, 2023





What is it with products that are “Extra Strength”?

I have been using a product for arthritis, HempVana.  Mrs. C tells me,

“There is a new “EXTRA STRENGTH” HempVana out, do you want to try it?”

“No, I’ll just stick with regular strength, I’m in no hurry to cure my painful joints.  I can suffer a little longer…OF COURSE get the EXTRA STRENGTH!”

Why do companies sell anything but EXTRA STRENGTH?  There should be no regular strength and one EXTRA STRENGTH.  It makes no sense.

I guess people just like the idea of stepping it up a notch.

EXTRA STRENGTH Aspirin or regular” …” hmm, I don’t want to hurt my headache, let me just go with the regular,” said on one ever!

Same thing with appliances.  We have a blender with seven speeds.  For what? 

The old blender my mom used had one speed…FAST.  I don’t recall ever thinking, “Damn, I wish I could mix my milkshake up a little slower!” 

Granted with our seven-speed mixer I use all speeds, but I always end up on HIGH.  I’ve got seven speeds, I am damn well going to use them all, but eventually I plan to mix the crap out of what ever is in my blender!

Why does my electric razor have three speeds?  Like if I’m not in a hurry to go somewhere I’ll just shave on low? Makes zero sense.

When Mrs. C dries her hair, she always uses the high heat.  Even if she is not in a hurry, she uses high heat.  Does anyone dry their hair on LOW?

“I might be a while, I’m drying my hair on LOW.”


“Because if you dry your hair too fast it might…your right, let me kick it up a notch, I’ll be done in a minute.”

Even my electric toothbrush has multiple speeds.  WHY? Does high speed wear your teeth down faster?  I don’t know about you, but I brush on HIGH…I’m a dare devil.

When I had to mow my lawn, my electric lawn mower only had one speed. 

I’ve never heard of a chain saw having multiple speeds. 

Why do we want a choice on personal products, but when it comes to yard work, we just want to cut the crap out of stuff?

Do they sell varmint poisons in various strengths? I mean maybe there are some people who don’t want to kill off mice and rats too quickly.  If you buy regular strength rat poison does that make you a sensitive person, or does it make you a sadist?

Why have I waited six weeks to post anything and then wasted your time with this drivel?

Maybe I’m trying to develop an EXTRA STRENGTH Blog.

BTW, this post can be read slowly, regular or extra fast…your decision.



  1. You've got a point there! As for the HempVana... I got some upon reading about your success with it. It works on everything but my knees! Hick swears that it's great relief for his aching hips. I got the ARTHRITIS strength for him. I suppose it's stronger. It has that eye-watering smell to it, while the regular has no scent.

  2. Welcome back Cranky! I'm so glad that yer still on the correct side of the grass!!! BTW, I read this one on slow speed, so as to enjoy it more better...

  3. I dry my hair on low because high heat is too harsh on my old follicles.

  4. It's great to see you again.

    A hair dryer set on low is better for when you have to bathe a cat. Yes, sometimes it happens.

    Maybe mild pain only needs regular strength, who knows?

  5. The secret to all of this is in the original product, when something new is released it is full strength and does a great job, then gradually the percentage of "active" ingredient is reduced because it is expensive I think and then the product might be cheaper and still work, then the company brings out the "new and improved" or "extra strength" version which is actually the original "recipe" but by labelling it extra stregth they can charge more. It's all about the profits for the company.

  6. How awesome to see and read your cranky post. You have been missed. In these crazy days, we need more - not less of you. It's for our mental health.

    I do take an extra strength Tylenol once in a while. I think that is the only "extra" of anything that I have. I never thought about the blow dryer - which I don't use and probably why I didn't think of it in that way. You just have a inquiring mind, Joe - bringing up things we probably wouldn't think on our own. I do hope you will continue on...
