Saturday, January 15, 2022





The following opinion may be stupid, it may be based on bad ideas, false facts, or fake news, but it deserves to be reflected on and discarded, accepted or at least given a short “Hmmm.” That is the Democracy of ideas.


I often hear these days about the threat to Democracy.  It seems to be the new mantra of any argument against divergent opinions,

“That is a threat to Democracy itself.”

It does sound scary.  Apparently, these days, if you do not agree with a popular opinion, idea or science fact (a fact is something that has not yet been disproven) then you are a “Threat to Democracy.”

The idea, I suppose, is that Democracy can not survive bad ideas, false facts, fake news, cock-eyed opinions…in general, Democracy cannot survive stupidity.

I disagree.  I believe that Democracy can not survive without bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinions.

“What in the heck are you talking about Cranky, that is just stupid.”

Perhaps, but “here” as some leaders like to say “is the deal.”

If Democracy cannot survive bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinions, then someone, or some people have to decide which ideas are bad, which facts are false, which news is fake, and which opinions are cock-eyed, and make sure those ideas, facts, news and opinions are suppressed to preserve the Democracy.   

Who are these people?

Can they be challenged?

How can you challenge the ideas, facts, news and opinions of the idea-fact-news-and-opinion deciders?  You cannot.

Democracy without bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinions is not Democracy, it is an authoritarian regime.  At some point you can not vote out the authoritarian regime, because a vote against the regime would be considered based on bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinion.  Any opinion against the “Regime” is automatically dismissed or even litigated against because it is determined to be wrong…or dare I say “Stupid.”

A true Democracy needs bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinions.  A true Democracy can then debate and decide and vote on the badness, falseness, fakeness and cock-eyedness of all ideas and opinions.

A true Democracy will sort out bad ideas, false facts, fake news, cock-eyed opinions and it will survive.  A true Democracy is not afraid of bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinions, a true Democracy welcomes all ideas, facts, news and opinions.  A true Democracy will decide on validity, soundness and effectiveness of all ideas, facts and opinions.

A true Democracy will make some mistakes.  Some bad ideas may be temporarily agreed on, false facts accepted, news believed, and dumb opinions accepted…but not for very long.

A system that will not allow bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinions, will end up with nothing but bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinions and they will be accepted...or else!












  1. Is it too bad that we are not a democracy then? We are in fact a REPUBLIC! Why is it so hard for people to understand this simple fact?

    1. Because the difference is so paper thin that most of us stupid people use them interchangeably. Thank you, professor, for your thoughtful opinion that does nothing to address the gist of this post.

  2. Great post, I agree with your premise that if government is based on solid moral principals , it should be able to made the decisions that are best for its people. Which is why we should be careful who we elect to represent us, duh.

  3. One wishes that "bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinions" would be precluded by their opposites but just like those who have to get burned in order to avoid hot items, it seems as though we must go through the mistakes in order to have progress. "Apparently, these days, if you do not agree with a popular opinion, idea or science fact (a fact is something that has not yet been disproven) then you are a “Threat to Democracy.” " Amen to that. Popular need only include the one person you are attempting to communicate with.

    1. Agree, of course the only way to determine bad ideas, false facts, fake news, and cock-eyed opinions is if there can be discussion, or freedom to express any ideas. Without that freedom of expression good ideas, accurate facts, news and valid opinions might not see the light of day...Columbus would not be allowed to sail off the edge, and new successful vaccine technology would be unfunded.

    2. That should be "SOME good ideas accurate facts..."

  4. Agreed. If you don't "go along" you're automatically labeled a threat. It's okay to question things. Agree to disagree and then sit down and find the good ideas, unearth the facts, respect the opinions. I guess it's just easier to point fingers and play the blame game.

  5. Too bad civil discourse went out the window when the internet showed up in people’s houses.
