Friday, August 20, 2021

Now I Will Wear IT


Now I Will Wear IT

A Cranky ramble by a virus weary old man.

Is this thing wearing you down yet?  Numbers fall, numbers rise, kids are safe, kids are not, young adults fine…except for long term effects.  Vaccination makes you safe…oops except now maybe not. 

It is wearing me down.

In the beginning I was worried, I was careful.  I stayed at home; I wore a mask even outside. At one point I was washing my hands every hour and leaving my groceries in the garage for a day before putting them away, and oh yeah, I disinfected packages.

I was afraid for my life, but at some point, that is no way to live.   After almost 2 years, oh yes, this thing was with us in October 2019, they just didn’t have a name for it then, experts still have not figured this virus out. 

My youngest son, 23, is fully vaccinated.  He is also fully infected.  Fever, exhaustion, breathing labored he seems to be recovering, but damn!

Along with this virus, it has somehow become political, well it did help put an incompetent into office, but that should be a residual effect, not an intended consequence.  I’m sorry, maybe that person is not incompetent, maybe he just seems to be incompetent, history will tell…at least he doesn’t tweet.

The big political fight now is over masking, and making the vaccine mandatory.  Let’s not miss the opportunity to keep this pandemic political.

I am all for vaccination.  It is probably the vaccine that keeps my son from getting more ill than he is.  But there are some reasons not to get the vaccine; that should be between a person and his doctor.   Heck, the FDA has not yet declared the vaccine to be allowed other than on an emergency basis…or something.

Face masks?  They make good theater.  For the most part they can’t hurt (there are arguments against that, most not very good in my mind) they could mitigate the virus a little, but they say this thing does not just drop to the floor after 6 feet.  It is an aerosol.  It hangs in the air.  It is really small; the mask stops it about as much as it can stop cigarette smoke…it cannot.  No one will admit that, they are too politically committed to admit it.

If masks worked this virus would be gone in my State.  I never went anywhere in Jersey where people did not mask up.  Of course, many people still do not mask over their breather nose, but still.

Anyway, if politicians decide the optics of masking is so important, I will wear the damn thing.  I don’t need to get into useless arguments with non-Neanderthals, but I think it is bullspit.

Actually, as I sit in bed typing this uninformed mish-mash of I-am-sick-of-this-thing-thoughts, I am fully masked.  I have a double cloth with a filter in the middle mask.

It probably will not stop the stealth like aerosol clingy virus bits, but it is effective as hell against fall grass pollen stirred up from a fresh mowing.

I took allergy pills.  Allergy pills zero, grass pollen miserable.

I put on the mask and in 10 minutes pollen is defeated!

So, mask up everyone, it may not stop Covid, but it can’t hurt too much, and there may just be actual residual benefits!

Ramble over.

Stay safe everyone, this thing will pass…eventually.




  1. No one knows what to do but I'm not going to fight with anybody about it. And I will admit that I did not have a single cold last year with all the mask wearing and I loved it.

  2. Not hearing about presidential tweets is the best part of this administration!

  3. So sorry about your son and hope he is 100% soon.
    I plan to continue doing as I am told and have enjoyed waking up every morning with no problems, not even a cold.
    Hope Henri misses you completely. Stay safe.

  4. I'm disgusted with this present administration. I don't think they have done one thing that I have approved of and I wish for our safety the southern border would be closed....

    Having said that, masks may be effective. I know of lady who lives with her son/DIL and their 3 children. She was fully vaccinated with Moderna. The other adults were not vaccinated at all. Four of the people living in the house got Covid (the parents, 2 of the children), the vaccinated adult didn't. The one child that didn't get Covid wore a mask the entire time the others were sick. So there may be some validity to it. The children's mom was really sick, 8 days in bed, several more on the couch. Not requiring hospitalization but still really sick. She was in her early 40s.

    Hope your son starts to feel better soon.

    Shortly there will be a post from me about the vaccinations/masks/Covid etc. And that's the last time I'm talking about it or commenting on people's posts who write about it. I'm past Covid fatigue.


  5. Your son is in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

  6. We have an incompetent President, that is the kindest way to describe him. I noticed at two appointments I had last week for an eye exam and physical therapy, signs said "keep your mask on even when alone in the office, the virus droplets stay airborne for hours." That is depressing, and yes, the masks don't help much. The best are the N95 masks which I wear when out in public near people. I prayed for your son's full recovery.

  7. Hope your son is on the mend, and that he's chock-full of natural antibodies now. I wore a mask yesterday, since it was required to enter the funeral home. Which seemed a bit ironic to me. Either it's too late for that, or the funeral home owners are masking other people's noses to spite their own profits.

  8. I never went out much even before the virus, now I barely leave the house, once a day in the morning for the newspaper and milk. That's at least a tiny bit of exercise. I wear a mask as I have been for almost two years now and I'm sick of the whole thing, but I still have plenty of disposable masks and only go out once a day for less than a half hour (the shops are close). The daily number of cases across our border in New South Wales has me worried.

  9. Praying for your son, JoeH. And for you all.

    God bless always.

  10. Wow I'm sorry to hear about your son. I'm sure he will get better but still - and to be young and fully vaccinated does make one go, "Dang!" IT sees this Delta one isn't messing around. I may have escaped it last year but I'm not too confident I will this year, even with being fully vaccinated.

    I've been wearing my mask, outside; mainly due to the smoke from the fires but am starting to keep it on when I go into a store. I try to keep a more positive attitude about this virus but it does get to you - like, is this our life now? I feel sorry for the little children and their moms trying to keep a face mask on a terrible 2.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your son. I hope he's back on his feet soon. It is so confusing but I'm back to masking again. As soon as I quit wearing one and went out to a restaurant for the first time in a year I got a cold. No it wasn't Covid. Just a cold, they are still around. In fact I got another one a few weeks ago. No not Covid. Probably because of recouping from surgery and being a bit rundown. But I'm back to masking. I will still do as much as I normally would car...go shopping..with mask...visit family, etc. My dear brother held up in home for over a year. Got the vaccine. Waited until the almost all clear sign went up. Decided he would finally see his daughter and grandkiddos after not seeing them in over a year. Only he passed away from a blood clot 2 days before he was going to leave for his visit. So although I will take precautions I still want to live life because you never know what could happen that has nothing to do with Covid. Stay safe friend and I'm sending up prayers for your son.

  12. I think the type mask has some bearing on its effectiveness against the virus and various allergies. Certainly the fit matters. Hope your son recovers soon.

  13. My sincere wishes for your sons recovery

  14. God bless your precious son dear Joe !

    i agree that people are trying to argue over useless things as they have nothing better to think about or do ,this is shame .

    our govt has taken the matter serious regarding vaccination ,they issued the notification as if anybody tries to avoid the vaccine earth will be short for them .everything will be closed including id ,travel ,school etc .....

    to be honest i wore mask annoyingly when went out though i already have to put shawl on half of my face when go out .
    i take walk fast one in yard without mask i inhale deeply meanwhile of course .i clean with broom sometime without mask ,dust too much yes .i too had this covid thing and i think twice with all the symptoms and recovered thankfully actually we all had gone through it but made way out including my eldest son. he told according to report this flue will meet every person on earth eventually though not fatal for all except with weak immune system and really elderly people .
