Thursday, August 5, 2021

Here We Go Again


Here We Go Again

With the resurgence of the new Covid variant, it looks like we (New Jersey) will be required to mask up again.  Not mandatory yet, but more and more I see people with masks at the supermarket.  I would bet anything that all these people are vaccinated. 

Why so sure?  Because 70% of those over 12 in Jersey are vaccinated.

Also, those that don’t get vaccinated are prone to avoid the masks.

How do I stand on masking?  As if a cranky old man’s opinion means anything, I give it a big MEH!

I do believe in science.  Science is by my Googled definition;

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Key words being “Study” Observation” and “Experiment.”

So, the SCIENCE of masking and Covid still involves study, observation and experiment.  The science has not been established; current science opinion has been established by a majority of scientists.  Not the same.

Still, wearing a mask can not, for the most part hurt, especially for retired old cranky people who spend about 30 minutes a week in a “Mask Up” environment.

The mask thing reminds me of meal time in college.  

In our fraternity, we were required to wear a jacket and tie for meals.  A nice tradition going back to the hoidy-toidy frat rules of the early 1900’s.  Many members loved this rule as they were still hoidy-toidy.  Many did not like the rule as it was antiquated and stupid.

The hoidy-toidy (maskers) demanded the jacket and tie, or you could not eat.

Everyone else (anti-maskers) wanted to eat, so all wore a jacket and tie to meals. 

But rules can be sticky and results are not always what rule makers are expecting.

The hoidy-toidy all came to meals fresh scrubbed and in their finest jacket and tie.  The rest came to meals with outrageous flowery clip-on ties and flamboyant seldom washed and stained with Chef Boyardee’s finest sauce, jackets.

Masks are kind of the same.  While some double mask with hospital approved masks, many, if not most, strap on crappy cloth things, often not covering their main breather…THE NOSE…and removed whenever they need to…TALK UP CLOSE

Further, when wearing the mask and within 20 feet of someone smoking a cigarette, I can smell the smoke.  Pretty sure the covid shit, which I can not see, can get through the mask as easily as the smoke which I can see.

You can require a tie; you cannot require class or taste.

You can require a mask; you can not enforce the behavior.

Still, it can’t hurt, so rather than get the stink eye or get into a political hoo-ha with others, I will wear the damn thing.  As a protest that only a few old-school college friends will understand, maybe I will also wear a crappy tie clipped on to my tee shirt.

Meanwhile, unless you have the antibodies or have a doctor’s recommendation against it because of some other condition, you might want to get the shot (s).


  1. They're good for quickly getting in and out of the grocery store without having to have a conversation. Mask + baseball cap, and sometimes eye glasses.
    So I'm an introvert...

  2. I never had issue with wearing a mask in 2020. Now, I’m just pissed. I feel as a vaccinated person, I’m being punished because so many refused to be vaccinated. Sort of like in school, where a few bad apples caused the whole class to miss recess. Again, I’m totally pissed off!

  3. I don't want to give you a swelled head, but I think your comparison is quite breathtaking! I hope your frat bros didn't go around screaming, "YOU should wear the jacket and tie so WE can eat! MY jacket-wearing keeps YOU from going hungry, and YOUR jacket-wearing will keep ME from going hungry."

    1. Two Seinfeld references in one comment...well done, but are you saying I have a big head? Are we breaking up?

    2. No, Schmoopy, we are not breaking up. You do not have a big head YET, which is a good thing, because it might make you a more appealing victim for THE LOPPER!

  4. yup - back to the mask because others don't care about anyone but themselves. At least with the masks and handwashing we haven't had a cold this year.

  5. Somehow I feel like all of this could be in our rear view mirror if the simple rules in the beginning had been adhered to by everyone. Mask, distance, wash and get the vaccine as soon as it came out. Sigh.

  6. Not getting the shot. Guess I am selfish and inconsiderate and a terrible person. At least the dog likes me :)

    I am wearing a mask.


  7. I live in Georgia, so I mask up because we are cra cra here. I've been vacinnated which I hope works. Unfortunately I know several who have died recently. They were unvaccinated for different reasons.

    I really think the people who have spread misinformation should be sued by their families. Well, in spirit, I would like to see some justice. You pointed out the obvious, the maskers probably have the vaccine.

    Meanwhile, the masks help big time with my allergies. I loved wearing them in March because that is the month I have a lot of trouble with pollen. November is a rough month for my allergies. So I will be donning a mask.

    1. I am on Facebook, and watch lots of TV news and follow Fox CNN and MSNBC. I have seen almost no serious misinformation articles or posts, I'm sure they exist but as for keeping people from taking the vaccine, I think that is a smoke screen. There is just general distrust in Gvmt. from all incomes and culture groups. Early distrust in the vaccine from anti-Trump people may have caused some distrust as well. Maybe when the FDA declares the vaccine to be safe beyond emergency use more people will get the jab.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Grandpa, a retired Ob/GYN, emeretus professor at the medical school, on the board of the university hospital, who knows the university infectious disease specialists by first name and keeps up with what they are saying, tells me unquestioningly that masks do help as long as they are at least double layer and cover both the nose and mouth correctly. They need to be part of a three layer first line of defense, along with keeping our distance and washing our hands well and often. Not to mention staying home if you can.

    Since he tells me to do it, i do it. Even if it just turns out i am keeping my germs to myself, that's important to me.

    You are so right about those who won't get the shot being the first to discard a mask, it's why our hospitals are so overwhelmed here that the federal government is having to send DHHS teams to staff extra wards.

  10. I'm seeing more and more people out wearing the mask here as well. IT does irritate me that I got the jab, yet others still won't. I had to wear a mask today, when I went in to get my shoulder x-rayed. It wasn't a big deal - I complied as I understand it. But while sitting in the waiting area a guy walks in, with no mask and no one said anything to him not even the receptionist. Then again, what can be done? Other than refusing him medical services, should they arrest him, throw him in jail? This is California, where we are letting out low level felons for their "good behavior behind bars"

    We'll all be locked down in a month or so. Another dark winter is in our future.

  11. hoidy-toidy? I always thought that was hoity-toity. anyway, we in Australia are still wearing masks in public transport, supermarkets and other places where there are likely to be more than a few people. Well, the sensible among us are. Those non-sensible people in a different state, who marched in great crowds yelling about freedom and not wearing masks are now all getting ill at the rate of about 200 cases per day. I worry about them, but they brought it upon themselves. Not enough Australians are vaccinated yet either. I get my second dose in about three weeks from now.

    1. I may have mentioned that I am not very good at spelling, thank you so much for pointing that out. Always good to know that spelling is so important to people. I have never seen hoity toity in print only heard the expression and it has always sounded like hoidy toidy to me.

      From now on I promise to always make at lest one spelling error per post for those that love to edit.

  12. When the mask mandate was over here in Ohio I quit wearing one like everyone else. I immediately got a cold. (No it wasn't Covid...people still do get colds) I just got over another one after going maskless to a church social. I then read an article that summer colds were a big thing because we've been masked and distancing and our immunity is down. Now masks are not required yet but we've decided to wear one anyway. I'm sure my immunity is also down because I've had 2 surgeries in the last 3 months. Anyway, I wore a mask daily working in surgery for almost 50yrs. Masks do help. I'm sure the mask haters wouldn't want docs and nurses not to wear one when operating. Sneezing into one is better than into the wound! Times are changing folks. I'm sure Covid won't be the last pandemic but I hope we learn a few things from this. Vaccines do work for most just like medicine works for most...sometimes there's issues because we're all different. Jack hasn't gotten a cold even though I have..yep, we're all different but I feel better being vaccinated than not. Hopefully we'll all get through this in good health.

  13. I still wear a mask every day at work in the dental office, and we require that everyone coming in our door wear one....that's not to say we haven't heard our share of grumbles. We've given out more masks in the past 6 weeks than in the prior 18 months. Because I have to wear them to work, I haven't been wearing them outside of it, but it looks like I may have to start wearing it again. Which probably means I just won't go anywhere again.

    I don't blame those that don't want to be vaccinated ~ that has to be their choice. But I won't back them up if they can't travel or eat in a restaurant without their card.

  14. i agree that people who get vaccination (including us) are facing this disturbing situation too ,specially i object on the closing of schools ,this is so unfair but no solution is found yet
