Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sometimes I Don’t Speak the Language


Sometimes I Don’t Speak the Language


There is a particular speech pattern in the NYC area that is sometimes difficult to understand.  It is a running together of words kind of thing.  The classic example is:

“Jeetyet?” being New York for “Did you eat yet?”

Or one of my favorites,

“Maskooscalin? For “May I ask who is calling?”

I have spent most of my life in the NYC area, but sometimes I do not speak the language.

The other day before going to dinner, Mrs. C, a lifelong Joisey Girl and I were discussing various people we know.  She was claiming that part of my crankiness was in not liking very many people.

“I like lots of people!”

“What about Mary Lou?”

“Hmm, I think with her I am neutral.”

“You don’t like Amnutrol.”


“You don’t like Amnutrol.”


“You don’t like Amnutrol.”

“Who the Hell is Amnutrol, and why don’t I like him or her?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You said I don’t like Amnutrol, and I have no idea who Amnutrol is!”

“I was talking about Mary Lou.  You don’t like her, I’m neutral!”

“Holy Hanna, who talks like that.  Could you maybe at least put a pause between words!”

“You just need to learn how to listen.”

“Guess you are right.  I'm hungry, how about you?”

“Yup, Squeet.”*

*"Yes, Let's go eat."





  1. I don't think I could live in your neck of the woods. I think I would be more confused than I already am.


  2. I think Ohio has something similar, being so close to West Virginia.

  3. Wow, think I'd need a translator. Wonder if there is an app for that on the phone. Probably need one for each locale.

  4. I'd have a tough time with this. A very tough time. I'd spend a lot of time with that deer in the headlight kind of look.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Joe. ☺

  5. HeHe. I was surprised to learn these phrases. We have a much similar speech pattern. I guess a little melody would be involved. But the best amnutrol.

  6. The proper response to "jeet yet?" is "fixin' to."

  7. "Maskooscalin" is a new one for me. Around here we just holler "WHO'S THIS?" You city people are so refined.

  8. Yeah fer shure - I don't believe I have a very good ear for that NY language. MY brother and his family have thick Alabama accents and I'm always asking them to repeat - I think they think I am deaf. Same with my polish friend from Sweden. She talks so fast I can barely understand her.

    Like, no way, give me bitchin' old valley chick speak anytime.
