Thursday, July 8, 2021

email subscription to blog posts

 Blog posts email

Apparently the service that provides emails of each Cranky Old Man post to email subscribers is going away.  There is a new service that is way too complicated for me to figure out.

If you wish to continue and receive emails of my posts, send me your email address, and I will set up a system to mass send each new blog posts.

If you do not want to receive each new post, then do nothing.

Thanks for your past support.


  1. You're in my Feedly feed so I'm good. I'll always know when you post new content.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. 1

  2. I just check your blog site each (usually) day.

  3. Blogger tells me when you post, and i am glad. It always makes me smile when i see you have posted something.

  4. I never receive posts by email, you are listed in my sidebar so I always know when you have posted.

  5. I get a recorded phone call which says, "Cranky is at it again. Better visit him." I don't know who sends them. Is it you?

    God bless.

  6. Blogger does tell me when you post, so I'm good to go!


  7. Your updates show up on my sidebar by the feedproxy thingy, so I won't be going Crankyless!

  8. If I check my blog I'll see that you've posted.
    Sometimes, when you post a link on koobecaf, I see that.

  9. you are on my side bar so no chance to miss the post
