Monday, July 26, 2021

Disney Hall of Presidents


Disney Hall of Presidents


I just read where Disney World is adding Joe Biden to its “Hall of Presidents” exhibition.  Have you ever been to this?  It is my favorite. 

Mrs. C is a Disney Vacation Club Member.  This membership allows us to visit Disney World once a year, or other Disney resorts depending on some points deal that is so complicated that only Disney Aficionados can figure it out.  I only know that this membership which cost a pretty penny also has a large yearly expense called a maintenance fee.

By my estimation this maintenance fee, given we get maybe a one week visit a year, costs about $150 an hour for lawn cutting, flower watering, and general cleaning. 

Seems expensive to me.

I don’t get why people love Disney.  All the children are whiney as they get tired from all the walking and waiting, plus at the end of every ride you have to pass through a Disney Crap selling room where all the whiney children have to have anything with ears. 

You can’t really blame the children too much.  Every Disney commercial looks like so much fun for children.  They have expectations of dancing with Mickey and hugging all the Princesses.  Never happens!  Maybe there is a photo opt after a half hour wait, but I am sure children are always disappointed.

Anyway, when we do go to Disney World, and I sometimes manage to avoid it, my favorite exhibit of all, except maybe “Toy Story”, is the Hall of Presidents.


Disney which is in central Florida is almost always 127 degrees.  And it is not just the heat, but also the humidity which is generally around 97.5.  There are lines for standing, and waiting and miles of walking in this wonderful heat and humidity.

There is never a line for the Hall of the Presidents.  The Hall of the Presidents is air conditioned.  The Hall of the Presidents has very comfortable seats.  The Hall of the Presidents has a presentation of every President of the US… animatronic Presidents of course.

The show is interesting, very well done, and I have never made it past Lincoln.  It is an old man’s napping Heaven.

The latest addition to the Hall of the Presidents will be Joe Biden.  I doubt very much I will ever make it that far. 

At least with one other President, it will be more nap time for me.   


  1. Sorry but I'd be joining you in the old man's napping Heaven.

  2. Quiet and air conditioned, sounds like a good place for a nap to me.

  3. I'm surprised they're not selling pillows on the way in.

  4. I hadn't heard of the Hall of Presidents but I haven't been to Disney World, just Disneyland who had an Abraham Lincoln animatronic doing his Gettysburg address. That freaked me out when I saw it for the first time at the ripe old age of 10; many years ago. Does sound like a nice napping place as long as one doesn't snore.

    I'm be curious what Joe Biden's animatronic would say and do.......


  5. Lol, I do recall there never being a line. I sort of enjoy the animatronics. Disney World is like Vegas; fun for a few days, but then you can’t wait to leave.

  6. That is my favorite exhibit also. We only went to the park in the evening when it is cooler, less kids and fewer lines.

  7. As a kid we drove down to Anaheim twice a year to Disneyland. There was the Abraham Lincoln show that was cool. I haven't been to Disneyland since 1996. We used to hit that show to cool off or relax and take a nap. I loved it plus it was educational.

    You must be kidding about sleepy Joe at Disney World. That's just crazy. That's like Obama getting the Noble Peace Prize when he hadn't done anything yet. I'm telling you, we are living in Clown world.

    1. oh never mind me Joe - I didn't know that much about the Hall Of Presidents - so my husband told me. I just hear anything about Joe and I go off...You can delete my comment - Don't want to start anything.

    2. I do ask for no political comments on non-political posts, but Jared below managed to sneak in one that cancels out yours. LOL! BTW, I suspect the Disney Joe is gaff-less.

  8. I live just up the freeway from Anaheim, Calif. Disneyland. We went a few times when the children were young, but I've had no desire to return. Disney and characters just aren't what they used to be, but, of course, I haven't visited any of the new special attractions they've added there, so maybe they would be interesting. I think you have to pay extra to get into them. We happened to be in Florida when Disney World first opened, but figured it would be just more Disneyland so went instead to Cape Canaveral. My daughter as she got older couldn't imagine how we could ever have made such a choice, but her younger brother hasn't seemed to share her view. I enjoyed Pirates of the Caribbean and It's a Small World, even the song, a few rides if the waiting line not too long. I think it's much more crowded there now and the parking fee, cost to get in is ridiculous. I don't know how families today can afford to spend so much on a visit there. We even could get discounts through my husband's work and now, as Calif. residents, but it just does not interest me and there are other far more entertaining and interesting sites for children and adults here. If we were in Florida, I'd probably join you in the Hall of Presidents, quite content to view all the Presidents, including the current one though not so much his predecessor, if I could make it that far down the line.

  9. The fact that you make it to Lincoln, who was #16, is pretty impressive.

    The Carousel of Progress is another good one when you want to get out of the heat.
