Sunday, May 23, 2021

Stupid Commercial


Stupid Commercial

 Ok, there is this current commercial that just bothers me.

Wait, is this what has come of your blog…TV commercial critiques?

Look, number one I have no real material, and number two, this commercial really annoys me.

OK, what is the commercial, as if any one even cares.

Here is the thing.  There is a commercial for either Wal-Mart, or Milo Tea…or both.  Anyway, this dude works for Milo Tea and he wants me to buy Milo Tea from Wal-Mart because he likes his job and if I buy Milo Tea…at Wal-Mart…then he can keep his job.  Like if I don’t buy Milo Tea, he loses his job, his kids will starve and his wife will leave him!  I don’t really need this guilt trip dropped on me from a stupid commercial.

Suppose I did buy Milo Tea at Wal-Mart, I would have to start drinking tea and stop drinking coffee.  I don’t like tea!  I like coffee! I don’t like shopping at Wal-Mart, and if I stop drinking coffee, won’t some dude that works for Chock-ful-of-Nuts get laid off and his kids starve and his wife leave him?

What kind of commercial is this that guilts me to drinking tea instead of the heavenly coffee?

It won’t work, I am sticking with coffee.  Sorry about your job Milo Tea worker.

Stupid commercial!

Damn, I need to get out more.

Yes, you do!


  1. The marketing morons have found they can guilt folks into buying their product. It’s some kind of thing. I haven’t seen any of the ads, but I read about it. I most likely won’t see any of those ads because we don’t watch tv, except for an occasional baseball game.

  2. I knew there was a reason I record everything so I fast forward through the commercials. Now I may have to watch that one to see if they can effectively guilt trip me into buying. Hope all the ad agencies don't follow suit.

  3. My gosh, Walmart is trying to guilt people. I would think with their past of underpaying their employees , they would stay away from that.

  4. Haven't seen that one yet. Now I'll have to look for it. Not a tea drinker or a coffee drinker so I guess both employees are in trouble.

  5. I’ve never even heard of that product.

  6. Some commercials really get you, but a guilt trip? I think I must keep a look out on the commercials that are flashed at me.

  7. THIS!!!

    This is why the DVR was invented and why Fast-Forward is your friend!!

    Can't remember the last time we actually WATCHED a real commercial. Other than the annoying "GET VACCINATED!!" one that we endure on one streaming service.

  8. Silly Joe! Don't you know that in these modern times, we are supposed to forget our own preferences and well-being, so we can TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE ELSE! How selfish of you, not to switch to tea, so you can support this man's family!

    The commercial I hate is the Haribo Gummi Bears, with adults talking in kid voices. It was cute ONE TIME. Now it is 5 flavors of annoying.

  9. We don't have that brand here so I've not seen it. I don't like to be guilted into anything.

  10. Uh, okay, Joe. Whatever you say, pal.

  11. Stick to the coffee. In fact, it sounds like you might need another cup.

  12. I don't get guilted by commercials. I know the actors are getting paid enough that their kids won't starve, even if they do actually work for the company selling the stuff. I buy and eat/drink whatever I please, ads be damned.

  13. We stopped watching a lot of TV after we got Winslow. I think we are both saner as a result of it :)

    That commercial would drive me bonkers.

