Saturday, April 17, 2021

Stupid Headlines 041821


Stupid Headlines 041821

This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider sometimes sophomoric comments.


Controversial lawn decoration ignites battle within neighborhood – Neighbor did not like a small statue of a frog, I’m going to take a wild guess that this neighbor does not actually have a life.

World’s longest bunny stolen from former Playboy model – The bunny is recognized by a cute little wiggly tail.  The missing rabbit is described as a really big rabbit.

Town taken over by large herd of goats – Tom brady, Michael Jordon, Tiger Woods and Wayne Gretsky all visit the same town?

California promotes 'dismantling racism in mathematics' – I know I am old, but this just does not add up for me.

San Diego Zoo worker bitten by venomous snake with no antivenom – Why would a venomous snake have antivenom?  In case they change their mine?

Woman duped into thinking she was engaged to Prince Harry – Apparently it was Prince Harry of Nigeria.

Brett Favre wants sports, politics to be separated – Because a filibuster in the huddle would just not work.

Kraft is giving away cheese-scented incense so fans can ‘breathe cheesy – Nothing like breathing “Who cut the cheese” scented incense.

Garden gnome shortage strikes due to pandemic - Fortunately I stocked up on garden gnomes before the pandemic hit.

7 useful tools for a quick and easy digital spring cleaning – No need to read if you don’t do windows.

Feel-Good Headline of the week

Reporter Goes To Shelter To Do A Story, Dog Hugs Him Tight Till He Adopts Her – I’m just a mush for a good dog story.



Bonus Dog Story

Stray Dog Found Curled Up In Snow Keeping Orphaned Kittens Warm – Like I said…mush.













  1. Cracked up at your herd of goats.
    And mercy, your mush stories brought out the long awws.

  2. Actually the Brett Favre one, for me, isn't stupid :) I got to agree with him on that one :)

    Such cute dog stories! Warms one's heart :)


  3. Garden gnome shortage? Did they run out of toilet paper? This seems to be a poor replacement choice. It took me a minute to process your missing long bunny sophomoric comment, but I got your goat right away!

  4. A prison van collided with a lorry full of mixed concrete. The police are looking for some hardened criminals.

    God bless.

  5. Garden gnome shortage, what's next? Don't answer that.

    The feel good stories are an example of why i work at the cat shelter. It doesn't matter whether it's dogs, cats, or guinea pigs, rescuing animals rocks.

  6. I love the one about China hiding it's submarines in the sea!

  7. Well! Those sneaky Chinese -- hiding submarines in the sea!
