Sunday, May 17, 2020

What Have You Been Doing?

What Have You Been Doing?

Starting around the middle of March, before mandatory stay at home advise,  is it advise or mandatory?  I mean if I visit a friend, will I be arrested? Sorry I digressed.  Advise or mandatory, I have taken it serious and stayed at home since middle of March.

Hell; I’m old.  I’m in that watch-your-step group.  So in two months, except for a ½ mile walk getting the mail most every day, where I see maybe oh, NO ONE, I have left the house twice.  Once I went shopping with Mrs. C, and once I went the liquor store and bought some wine.  Mrs. C has left the house for maybe two or three more chores.

Two months of house arrest.  Heck, I think people have spent less time for colluding with the Russians.  No golf, no gym, no bowling, no trips to the store.
What have I been doing?

I have been watching TV, playing guitar, and exercising.  Oh, and napping, and some quality time with Mrs. C.  Mostly watching TV.
I can watch TV and practice the guitar.  Have I improved, hell yes, I am now almost only awful.  Plus I have callouses on my fingers that are thicker than an elephant’s skin, assuming elephants have thick skin… I think they do…anyway.

So the rest of the time I’m working out.  Now I know why some people come out of prison all jacked.  Hell there is nothing to do but push-ups, sit-ups, and reps on the Total Gym.

Along with working out, we no longer go out to dinner.  We used to eat out three or more times a week, now we do one take out a week.  Because I don’t want to have to shop, half my meals are protein drink powder concoctions.  I’m down eleven pounds.  In another month I will be at my 21 year old weight.

If this thing does go another month or more, I am going to come out of it like an angry off David Banner without the green skin and without being angry.

I wonder if all us old people are going through the same prison type boot camp.

If so, this summer, muggers who usually prey on seniors are going to have to stay away from hordes of old farts tearing up phone books and flipping truck tires.

“You talking to me?”


  1. You did great with the weight down and the exercise. A lot of people won't be able to say that when this is over and I have seen several memes on Facebook that suggest people try their work pants on weekly since pajamas and sweats are more forgiving. I am weighing weekly and exercising on the treadmill 40 minutes 5 times a week. Seems like you are occupying your days well during these unprecedented times when we are all in this together. Sarcasm there just in case you missed it.


  2. I'll make a note to stay away from old coots who look like they may be busting the seams of their shirts. I PLANNED on staying home and watching a lot of TV, but got told I had to walk for at least an hour a day, which means going outside since my flat is so tiny. I mapped out a two mile path and it was fine at first, now when I walk I have to keep stepping aside for runners, all those people who are now working from home I suppose, since I never saw them before the lockdown.

  3. They said keep off the streets. So I took my cat for a walk instead of the dog, and I fell off a tree.

    God bless.

  4. For exercise I have hidden the remote control and now walk from the armchair to the TV to change channels.

    God bless.

  5. I also do step exercises. Going up and down the same step twenty or thirty times. Takes me ages to go to the toilet when I'm in a hurry.

    God bless.

  6. That's fantastic that you are almost down to your 21 YO weight! I've read that most people are doing the opposite of you and eating a lot of comfort and junk food.

  7. Joe my god that's awesome! Your 21 year old self weight?? I didnt even know this was possible (and I'm not joking). Well, like Bojoux said.. if it wasn't for this godawful jaw thing I got going on that keeps me from eating junk, I'd probably be a lot bigger right now. anyway, good job on using the pandemic to better yourself :)

  8. Lots of laughs in this one. Do you suppose if we turn out a bunch of jacked up seniors on the streets that,"Ok Boomer," may be said with respect instead of derision? That would be nice.
    Keep up with the routine. You need to take pictures. Can't wait to see a 21 year old Joe.

  9. That is quite impressive. I imagine you looking like that top picture. Too bad that only Mrs. C is able to observe your buffness, with the current inability to flaunt your physique to the masses!

  10. I commend you. I am doing NO excercise, other than walking to the mailbox, which is across the street at the end of my short driveway, and filling the bird bath in the back yard. I spend much of my time sitting in front of my computer and the rest of it sitting in the other room reading or watching t.v. Oh and I do wash dishes every day since the dishwasher needs a repair and I make drinks at cocktail hour and I cook and bake a teeny bit. For some reason, my weight is holding steady, though a long way from what it was when I was 21. But that's so long ago now I can't even remember it.

  11. Congrats on your healthy stay at home practices! No Covid 15 (lbs) for you! I've been working as usual so no stay at home routine. But I'm not complaining! Just stay the course and this too will pass and you'll be on the cover of People mag telling your story and the before and after pics!

  12. You are doing well!

    We work, as much as we can, but these days it is still not quite enough. Maybe soon it will get better.

  13. Good for you for losing weight. As you know, many (no one I know) have gained a pound or 2 or 10. I baked my way thru April and am doing a lot of sautéing in May.

    Now that we have had a few days without rain, I can work in the gardens. It is good to have something to do, but it is painful for a few hours after.

  14. wow what an incredibly inspiring person you are dear Joe :)))

    i like people who invest their energies in positive stuff instead of wasting it completely in gossiping or else

    i envy the way you proved your devotion to weight loss :) congratulations 11 ponds are quite a task indeed i think we all will appear as new some in little way and some in a big way and positive hopefully

  15. That is fantastic Joe! Ummm... I can still fit into the earrings I wore when I was 21. Does that count? :)
