Friday, May 8, 2020

I Hate When That Happens

I Hate When That Happens

I have been at this blog thing for almost nine years.  For most of those years I've posted every day. 

I started this blog because I enjoyed writing my two self-published (for a bunch of my money) books which almost no one read.  Those books were basically about forty chapters, each of which could have been typical blog posts for “The Cranky Old Man.”  When I learned how easy it was to post a blog, I decided to start one.   It allowed me to continue to write, which I enjoy, and have no one read my writing without spending money to have a book published for no one to read.

It has worked out pretty well, except I am about out of stories that I am willing to tell.  It is hard to post an opinion without making someone angry, especially one particular annoying troll, and…actually that’s it.  It is tough to be interesting when your life is boring.

What can really be frustrating is when I come up with a new idea.  An idea that just about writes itself.  An idea that I think will be entertaining.

Before I put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, I do some research.  If you type any word or phrase in the upper left-hand corner of a blogger post, you can see any post on that subject from that blogger.  Its that little rectangle next to the blogger “B” with a magnifying glass thingy.  These days when ever I do that research, I often find that I posted on the subject years ago. 

It just happened again.

I hate when that happens.


  1. I think it's easy to forget what you've posted when you've been doing it this long. Thanks for the heads up on the magnifying glass thingy.

  2. You might write about it differently this time. Or not. Since my comments to your re-runs seem to be carbon copies of my original comments!

    Thanks for the "search" information. I learned that from you! The first time you mentioned it. ;)

  3. I didn't know that blogger feature. Thanks for enlightening us. More than likely people have forgotten over the years what you wrote so if something is repeated they probably wouldn't even know!


  4. You could just do as some others have done and repost your old posts from the beginning, for us that haven't read everything you wrote.

  5. I am sure I made this comment before although I do not know whether I made it on your blog or on someone else's blog or on my blog or I dreamt I made it on some blog somewhere or I just made it up right now just to make a comment anyway.

    God bless.

  6. Just blame it on COVID-19 and carry on.

  7. Your writing is so good that it matters to no one if you have said it before.

  8. I'm so old that I dont remember if you wrote about whatever before and it's all new. So keep on writing.

  9. In this time of isolation from, well, everything I often struggle to find something to write about, but then I don't write every day! We all get writers block sometimes.....

  10. Well Joe, I only found you a few months ago (thru Arkansas Patti's blog) but I came & stuck around for your cranky take on things, not some big-life adventures. But after seeing this last night (on my tablet, while in bed) I clicked on your archive over there on the right and read some of your earlier stuff from 2011--your take on today's kiddie shows (still relevant) and your "FREE" trip to Atlantic City (still funny). You've got an impressive backlog, I agree with River--share more of your "classics" :)

  11. I've blogged as long as you but stopped the daily a couple of years ago and went to once a week so I don't have near your numbers. Still I have that same feeling of deja vu and will check that clever box that remembers everything. Yep, there it will be. If it has been long enough I will sometimes repost it as a rerun. If it hasn't been long enough, I just curse my memory and go another path or like this week, take a break. It works for I have a fresh story for Monday.

  12. Eh, I just go ahead and post again. Every so often something better (or more obnoxious) comes out.

    And thansk for the shout-out, even trolls need love!! ;-)

  13. If you've forgotten it, probably your readers have too so it's as new to them as it is to you. And not all of us have been with you for nine years anyway. When I go back to the early days of my blog I find a whole lot of people who ain't there anymore and most of the people who read me nowadays weren't there in the beginning. Now, what did you say your name is?

  14. I started one day after they were about to fire up the big CERN collider that, at the time was thought by some (not the brightest, mind you) that it might result in a big black hole. Didn't happen. We're still here. Can't believe that was 2008! Holy Cow!
    Hopefully I'm not the "troll"? Not sure I know how to be a troll. I like reading your ...stuff.

  15. I know my posts are pretty much the same year to year. I hope when my kids read the blog books after I'm dead (I'm thinking they will be over come with grief and want to know what I did with my life) they will feel so bad that I had such a boring life but happy to think that having them was the highlight of said life...and they would be right!

  16. That's okay, if it's been a while, most probably won't remember exactly what you said, so they can learn from this to pay attention!

  17. i was told by my son once that superman series was written by person who was handicapped i never did research if it is true and if it so it is proven that it is not hard to be interesting when life is boring
    i honestly claim that i lead life that is extremely boring to most of people still i myself (at least) find it interesting
    you words are honest and absolutely easy to comprehend ,this is great feature that hold writer who gained success immensely :)
    please Never stop sharing what you think or feel
