Saturday, May 2, 2020

Goal Met, Goal Missed

Goal Met, Goal Missed

I had set two goals to reach by my birthday.  Made one, missed the other.
I have lost so far, in about 6 weeks, 9 pounds;  six pounds short of my goal.

There is no reason to quit the diet, I still aim to reach my weight, just not as quickly as I wanted.

Of course the gym was closed, so that made it a little harder, and I have been confined to within 20 yards of the refrigerator for the whole 6 weeks, so everything considered I’ve done OK.

I did reach my other goal today.  

I sent video proof to my Phys Ed/ health consultant son.  That goal was not easy.
The goal was push-ups, one for each year of my birthday.
I did  selfie videos of my attempts.   One time I thought I reached my goal plus an extra eight for good measure.  Then I counted them on the video. 
I was 2 short.

It seems doing them and counting at the same time is not that easy.
I did finally make the number, plus three more because there is always some clown who claims some were not proper, perfect, military push-ups.

I told my son, they were done fast, and no, I did not touch my chest to the ground on everyone, actually not on a single one.
I also didn’t have a heart attack.

That’s all I’ve got today.

Stay safe and wash your hands!


  1. I don't think I can do 10 push-ups, boy are you putting others to shame--good for you Joe!!

  2. Fantastic achievements! Especially considering the times we are living through. I think a lot of people will be surprised how much weight they gained during this time. Keep working on what you are doing to keep up on the work you did!


  3. Congrats on both! The push ups for sure. Losing any amount, without a gym, while confined with a refrigerator, is quite an accomplishment!

  4. Well done. Happy Birthday my friend.

    God bless.

  5. Happy birthday and I'd say you did fabulous on your health goals! After working at a health care office these past weeks I have seen so many folks who could barely walk out of their car and most were younger than you! So keep up the good work...your good heath is your greatest to Mrs. C!

  6. You done good Joe and here is to many more of those days. Jack LaLane had nothing on you. :-)

  7. I think you did good on both goals - push ups aren't easy and staying out of the fridge isn't either. I'm afraid I have gained - my "skinny" jeans are not so skinny anymore.

  8. You've done a great job! Is outdoor exercise allowed where you are? It's not the same as a gym, but one weight loss doctor whose book i read years ago said a 40 minute walk four times a week was all anyone really needed.

  9. Congratulations on EVERYTHING!! Wow. AND, Happy Birthday!! Your birthday is May 1st?? That's my son's birthday too! - I was doing great losing weight but now I'm afraid to step on the scale. Yikes. I can't wait until we can go out n' about!

  10. Congrats Joe. I am impressed with the weight loss considering the confinement but really amazed at the push ups. You da man.

  11. Happy Birthday! Losing 9 pounds is really great!

  12. Well done on the push-ups! I tried a modified version, where I stood back from the table a bit with my hands on the edge and then pushed forward and back from that position, or up and down if that makes more sense. Anyway I tried and it is relatively easy. I also haven't lost as much weight as I wanted by now. It came off pretty fast in the first three weeks, but has now stalled, probably because of the weather I'm not walking three times a day anymore. Once a day and sometimes twice. I'll have to make the effort if I want to make the goal by my birthday in August.

  13. Wowee, congratulations. I think you have done well.

  14. I’ve lost some weight, but it’s been a while since I’ve done my age in pushups.
    Maybe I should set that as a goal too.
    Here’s one that not many men my age can do - I can bend over from the waist in a forward fold and lay the palms of my hands flat on the floor.

  15. That is one thing that I could not achieve .... keeping my weight down. And this lockdown is not helping.
