Monday, April 6, 2020

The Covid 19 blues

The Covid 19 blues

My friend Frog and I, before lockdown, were practicing playing guitar together.  I play normal 6 string guitars, he plays weird 4 string tenor guitars most of them bastardized from 6 string pawn shop buys.  Now we are stuck with working together via email and texts.  The other day he suggested we collaborate in a piece about the Covid 19 stay at home situation.

We have the words, we're working on the music.  Probably a bluesy key of E/A/B7 progression.  Anyway, based on the many posts I have read these days, I thought sharing the verse might hit home with many stay-in-lockdown bloggers.  This thing is no joke, don't misunderstand my attempt at some levity, just trying to provide some mental relief from this stupid virus's grip.

So here it is:  

The Covid 19 blues

Got up in the morning,
week three with you
Lots of time
but nothing to do
Plenty stuff
need to be done
Most of it finished
on week number one


And I got the blues,
I got the blues
I got the sitting round feeling down
Toilet paper hoardin
Virus avoidin blues
It’s worse than I’ve seen,
this covid 19
Blu oo oo oo oo ues

Second verse

Whenever I sneeze
I blame the Chinese
I wanna play golf
I’m afraid of the cough
I just stay at home
turn on the news
I can’t leave the house
And I’m all out of booze


Third Verse

Well the wife’s home too
She’s on furlough
As much as I love her
She gotta go
Absence makes
the heart grow fonder
This covid 19
Make me want to wander


Final verse

I don’t work in a market
Not a doc or a nurse
I’m stuck at home
But things could be worse
I gotta give thanks
To those folks on the line
I may be bored
But at least I feel fine


And I got the blues,
I got the blues
I got the sitting round feeling down
Toilet paper hoardin
Virus avoidin blues
It’s worse than I’ve seen,
this covid 19
Blu oo oo oo oo oo ues

OK, all the oo's are a bit corny, but it works for me.

Part of being an old fart is having no shame hence this performance.

It's taken some time to convince Frog to shed his shame, but I did it.

  CRANKY's Version
First two verses.


                                         FROG's version in a different bluesier style

Prayers go out to all who are suffering, and on a personal note, special prayers from myself and Mrs. C to her cousins who have recently been diagnosed positive.                                      

Stay safe everyone and wash your feckin hands!


  1. sittin' down with you both and watch you have fun would be so cool.

  2. I am flicking my virtual Bic lighter for an encore!

  3. Levity and mental relief is just what many people need right now, so you and Frog go ahead with the song writing.
    I looked at the empty paper towel shelf in the shop this morning and thought maybe Mrs C was onto something with reusing slightly used sheets of paper towel. I still have some myself, but I might just take a leaf from her book and be more frugal with them.

  4. Loved this and although I read it in the early morning hours I still hummed out loud. The world needs your kind of music right now. Keep up the good work.

  5. We need to figure out how they are doing the virtual choirs and get this as a duet from the two of you. Thank you!

  6. Love it! My favorite line is 'Most of it finished on week number one.' Truth! Fun to see you play and I wish Mrs. C's cousins a get well soon message.

  7. Great lyrics and sure did enjoy the performances here! You sounded good Joe, I really enjoyed Frog's rendition as well. I don't know him, but I like him :)

  8. I pray for you and yours, JoeH, at this difficult time.

    Thanx for your song and performance. I wish I could play the guitar like you. I'm envious.

    God bless.

  9. Prayers for your cousins.

    Love both videos. Got to have a sense of humor right now.

    Have a healthy day and week, Joe. 😎

  10. First, hugs and prayers for your family... hopefully they will recover quickly. Second ,I enjoyed the concert! You two ROCK! Literally! We must keep our sense of humor and combining it with music is the best medicine!

  11. How cool to hear what a lot of us are feeling set to music. Loved both renditions and it was nice to put a face to Frog. Guess you will have to wait till it is over to go on the road but if you put it on youtube you might just go viral. Tiny play on words there.

  12. Saying prayers for the family! Love the corny song and performances!! It could go viral; you never know these days!


  13. I’m a liking it Joe. If your cowrites are like ours, the song will evolve the more you play it.
    I may try one myself.
    Sending healing vibes towards your cousins.

  14. oh that was fun dear Joe :)))

    thank you for sharing these songs ,i liked the way you sang it non stop ,breath control was AMAZING!
    i think such positive way to invest your energies makes time fly smoothly ,inspiring too :)
    You and your precious family are in my prayers too my friend ,i am sorry for Mrs C 's cousins ,hope they will recover soon by the grace of lord !

    keep taking great care and stay well and healthy !

  15. Holy mackerel! You guys are great. Two distinctly different styles but both great. Joe, I had no idea you look like you do. Apparently retirement let you grow your hair long and it fits with the goatee. Sorry to hear about the cousins and wishing them a quick and safe recovery.

    Wow! What a post!
