Monday, March 23, 2020

Just Keep Playing

Just Keep Playing
In looking for a re-run that might have some meaning during these difficult times, I found this...not that old, From January 2019 but there is a message in there somewhere.

I have been diligently trying to learn to play guitar for almost six years.  I can play guitar, but I am still learning to play guitar.  I don’t think you ever stop learning how to play guitar.  There is always something new to learn, you can always play faster and cleaner.

The worlds greatest guitar players are probably still working on new techniques, and to improve their old techniques…always you can improve.

One improvement I have found in my playing is I am developing the ability to play on through my mistakes.  That sounds simple, but the natural inclination, for me at least, has been to stop and start over when I make a mistake.  Any error or chord out of sequence and I would get thrown off and have to start all over.  Often with an "Aw Sh*t" thrown in.

I have noticed at concerts, that the professionals do indeed make mistakes.  They probably often make mistakes that only they or their band-mates notice, part of being a professional is to play on without ruining the piece.

Sometimes a performer will make an obvious mistake or even forget where he is in a song.  The professional does not panic, he just keeps strumming until he finds his place.  Sometimes a singer will just throw in a “La la la la la la la” to fill in his brain fart.  Sometimes they will keep strumming and apologize to the audience.

“Sorry folks, there is a missing verse in there somewhere, I just can’t find it” but they do not stop and just start all over.

I actually enjoy it when these “live” slip ups occur.  It humanizes the performer, and I admire their ability to not panic and work their way through a memory lapse.

This guitar stuff is teaching me about life.  

You never stop learning, trying new things, and improving.  It does not matter that you probably will never reach greatness, and certainly will not reach perfection, it is the attempt that keeps you going.

Playing fast is exciting, but often the music is sweeter if you slow down your pace.
If you make a mistake, screw up in any way as we all do, for me on more than a daily basis, you have to just struggle through it.  There are no do-overs in life, you make mistakes, you learn from them and you keep on playing.

You play until the music stops.


  1. Damn, I'm used to your humor. Now you stun me with profundity. Joe, you're a treasure. Just keep playin'.

  2. Very wise post. Very true too. I only know when hubby makes mistakes if I know the piece well that he is playing. Otherwise 90% of the time he will mention mistakes made by him or others on the worship team and I never heard them. We will all make mistakes and continue to do so but we just got to keep on playing and living!


  3. That's life. You keep on trying, in the hopes of getting it right.

  4. I admire your determination. Enjoy!

  5. Is this similar to 'just keep swimming'? Some good life lessons, indeed.

  6. I wish I could play the guitar. I've tried and my fingers get stuck in the strings.

    Good lesson, JoeH. God bless.

  7. Words we can all live by especially now. Let's just keep pushing forward.

  8. Wish words here. I agree.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. 😎

  9. Very wise attitude, and i hope your guitar is seeing a workout these days.

  10. I was well in practice for more than 2 years (this was about 40 years ago) But now its zilch. Just because I stopped practicing. So now I have to start from A B C D

  11. this was lovely sharing dear Joe
    i agree that professional don't panic when they make mistake ,i witnessed that from close when i sometimes attended as audience music shows ,during recording their were many mistake from various participants and each time mistakes were covered by them brilliantly ,they covered each other for mistakes team work is key to success
    i think our life time is short for being perfect in anything or art specially
    art is puely related to soul and soul has no limits
