Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Coronavirus Semi-rant

A Coronavirus Semi-rant

I did not want to post on this virus thing, it is too depressing.  I have not gotten it so far, but yeah, it is hitting me. I have lost a boat load of money that may or not be recovered in the months to come.  I have finally learned how to convert the ten-pin spare and my bowling league has been put on hold.  My gym is cancelled and I’m advised that at my age I should stay home anyway.  Mrs. C’s dance studio had a major event cancelled and she lost a lot of money and her boss lost a lot of money times 1000.

Wah, wah, wah.

Actually, I’m fine and thankful that I am.  For now, I am just hunkering down and thanking god I quit smoking years ago and am in pretty good shape.  I really feel for all the people who are losing their jobs and wages.  I feel sorry for all those that are extra vulnerable to this virus.  Most of us will survive the virus, economic recovery for many will be long and painful.

I think closing bars and restaurants and events is a good decision.  With any luck we may see things start to turn in the right direction in two or three weeks.  Maybe this thing will be seasonal…one can hope.

I do have two major complaints where I am compelled to vent.

Number 1 – Shut up with the politics for crap sake.  Stop pointing fingers and STFU.  There will be mistakes made, there will be excellent decisions made.  There are people working above and beyond for the good of all.  When this thing clears up, then do a recap and you can be a Monday morning know-it-all Quarterback.  Until then, can we for just this one thing all pull together?

Number 2 – I actually read where some of the snot nosed spoiled little prick millennials who seem to be mostly immune to this virus are calling it a “Boomer Remover!”  Very clever you worthless little shits.  My response to anyone so crass to say such a thing is FUCK YOU!

Boomers are your parents, your grandparents, your teachers, and many are the very people working to find a vaccine for this and other diseases that someday you may be more susceptible to catching.

Stop partying, stay away from crowds, and wash your feckin hands.  I know it is only a very small number of assholes with this attitude, but it only takes one thoughtless little shit to infect hundreds.  Those hundreds may infect more hundreds and tie up the hospitals.  When you need the ER because your drunken partying ass gets in an accident and there are no rooms or doctors to help you recover, then maybe you will realize we are all in this together one way or another.

In summary, together we can make it through this and when we do, let’s all do what we can to help those less fortunate in weathering the storm.

Until then, wash your hands, separate from crowds and stay safe.

To any millennial who thinks “Boomer Remover” is a funny name for this virus, please tell me when this is all over. This 74-year-old Boomer is jonesing for a nose to bust.

Ok, now I feel a little better.


  1. I'll join you on the nose busting. Little punk.

    Great rant.

    Have a fabulous day and stay healthy. 😎

  2. I've spent the day watching Jim Gaffigan videos to cheer me up. There's nothing we can do but sit around and wait it out.

  3. Let us spend some time praying.

    God bless.

  4. Might not go to the pub on Friday, but other than that, I guess I've been "self isolating" for more than a few years now. Church? Nope. Gym? Nope. Theatre? Nope. You get the idea. We too have lost a shit load on the market. Thankfully, we both have pensions. And...as in 2008, the markets will climb back again. The trick is to have a little cash on hand to "go shopping" when all those juicy dividend paying blue chip stocks are being offered at fire sale prices. Keep your stick on the ice. And maybe get up and run around the couch once or twice. Carry on.

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    1. ok I'm reading about this "Boomer Remover" on Newsweek.com & getting pissed off!

  6. Your posts always make me feel better, thank you.

  7. I am pretty sure that it is a very small minority of ignoramuses who are using this and it is being picked up by the bots and trolls to make it worse than it really is. That being said if anyone uses that term around me a f-you is going to in plentiful supply and if they make it into something more than so be it. ;-)

  8. I'm at risk because of my asthma, but okay so far and staying home as much as possible, although still going out for walks two or three times a day.
    I'm thankful I don't have any investments so I haven't lost anything.

  9. I guess there really is an advantage to being poor. Nothing to lose. Hang in Joe, the market usually bounces back eventually.
    I'm actually too old to be a boomer but still think that is pretty short sighted of the millennials. You said it well, they all have boomers they owe their lives to. Wish there was a millennial journal your could send this post to.

  10. My son and DIL are millennials. Maybe they are hoping the Boomers like me and hubby will die from this and they will get the inheritance sooner!


  11. "Snot nosed spoiled little prick millennials" do not realize that one day, THEY will be OLD! If only we could see them on the day they realize that.

  12. Thanks for telling it as it is. I resent everything that's going on, especially being ordered to stay in and lock the door. Living alone is bad enough without having to push people away by keeping doors tightly closed. I visualise many weeks of silence and hate it.

    Betty, you took the words right out of my mouth.

  13. Mostly I chalk up the stupid things millennials do and say as simple immaturity and a massive lack of empathy.

  14. Yesterday, my neighbor and I stood on our adjacent driveways, staying our 6 feet apart, when she asked me how I'm feeling. She's stressed because her college aged son is home wreaking havoc, I guess, and also, worried about their stocks. I couldn't answer her. I was mentally exhausted last month and had a touch of vertigo. Blah blah blah...anyway, as I was trying to come up with the answer, she answered for me. Numb, she said. I said, yeah, that's probably it.
    However, this too shall pass.

  15. I read in another blog that young people in France were behaving as badly as the young people in our country. They don't realize how serious this thing is, or they just have that immortal attitude.

  16. Thank you for writing this. I shared this with my millennials to remind them not to be assholes.


  17. i am so glad that you are fine dear Joe !

    this is ridiculous that some young people are behaving irresponsibly and creating dangerous situation for others
    i agree that politicians should take break for while though i know how hard it is for them to not doing politics over this either
    more health and peace to you and family!

  18. Your two complaints are on target. My minor Coronavirus complaint has to do with the cancellation of athletic events: Lehigh spring athletes will not be able to partake of the joy in defeating Lafayette. Stay healthy and keep up the crankiness.

    1. I've been on the other end of that Lehigh enjoyment, it is one thing I will not miss.

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  20. Don't worry about the millennials, we'll get even when the little dears are knee deep in salt water when the oceans rise.

  21. I read that Boomer Remover thing with my mouth open! Thankfully the young people in my family are kind and caring and several have contacted me asking if I need anything. Thankfully, everything is fine in my house at the moment.

    Around My Kitchen Table
