Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A Blog About Nothing

A Blog About Nothing


A lot of Yada, yada, yada!

I got up this morning at the crack of dawn then rolled over and slept some more until nine.

“Damn, I missed ‘Leave it to Beaver’ which one was it today?”

“Miss Landers goes to a bbq at the Cleavers.”

“Oh, that’s a good one.  Who’s on Perry Mason this morning?”

“Patty Dukes father.”

“He’s in a lot of them.  I’m going to make breakfast, you want anything.”

“No, I’m good.”

Down stairs I turn on the news to see if Trump is still President, start brewing some coffee, fry up some bacon and poach an egg which goes over ½ an English Muffin.

After breakfast I go upstairs to check my computer.

“What happened with Perry? I’ll bet he got a court room confession.”

“Yup, the maid did it, she cracked on the stand.”

“Biggest waste of time ever, being on a jury on a Perry Mason trial.”

“What is new in the world?”

“Nothing, Trump is still President.  Earth is getting warmer and the market is up.”

“So, no change.”

“Well, sometimes the market is down.  I’m going to the basement to play guitar and practice putting, check my computer and watch TV.”

“OK, I’m going to take a nap.”

At three Mrs. C leaves for work.

I prepare a steak, and start the grill at 4:30.

Dinner after five; steak, peas, seltzer.  Then coffee and “Little Bites” coffee cakes for dessert.

After dessert, it is down to the basement, more guitar, TV, maybe read blogs, try to write a post, and or take a nap.

Back upstairs at 7:30 watch TV and surf computer.

Mrs. C is home at nine.  We watch TV, and play computer games.  We turn in at 1:00 after Steve Harvey and “Family Feud.”

“Good night.”

“What’s up for tomorrow?”

“Same, maybe also go to the gym and then the store.”

“Better get some rest then.”

“Tell me about it!”





  1. Sometimes it's difficult blogging every day ... but worth trying!

    God bless.

  2. A busy day, then! Honestly, thus computers are so demanding of our time.

  3. We all live such exciting lives!

  4. I suddenly feel a lot less alone, haha--love ya Joe :)

  5. I find comfort in routine; I'm glad for days like this; drama I'm always trying to avoid :)


  6. Writing about nothing and making it interesting takes a lot of skill. ☺ Kind of like an episode of Seinfeld.

  7. OK you made me look up Patty Duke's father and yep, he was in a lot of stuff. Sometimes same ole, same ole is comforting. It sure doesn't wear us out.

  8. What an exciting life you two lead. Sounds pretty good to me.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. 😎

  9. I am getting ready to write about doing laundry and making a pot of chili.

  10. It sounds like a full, retired life. Maybe someday.

  11. I love that episode! When Beaver escorts Miss Landers to the patio, holding her elbow with his fingertips. That's how I remember it, anyway. I'm glad that nobody ate your "Little Bites." You must have hidden them very well...

  12. Coincidentally, I also slept until 9 this morning.

  13. i think your days are going great with lovely companion dear Joe :)

    if you are complaining for not having excitement ,be exited while considering if it is last day on earth :) felt something ?

  14. Geez, all I did yesterday was explore the mystery we call, "the inside of the colon as seen through the lens of a colonoscope"...💩

  15. I love this post. I read it when you posted it but obviously I'm slow at getting around the blogging world. The reason I love this because it's so real. This post is like everybody's day for the most part. I mean we have those filler errands and dates and whatever but life is basically this and it's cool. :)
